

Responses from yuviarora

Neil Young calls out Tidal
They are also 97 % less likely to land in the Hospital or die from COVID.   I would bet good money (Like a lot, really A LOT) that this claim is just as real as the whole, the vaxx stops infections and transmission claim from 6 months ago. Th... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
Antidote to Nihilism - Jordan Peterson "MUSIC"
Tolkien fans know this story pretty well, but the same idea we are talking about is expressed quite beautifully in the Silmarillion.. Order integrating disorder, Harmony integrating disharmony. Not everyone is affected by Music equally, but certai... 
Antidote to Nihilism - Jordan Peterson "MUSIC"
No one is FORCING you to watch the "Video" or take part in the subsequent dialogue.   we are having an adult conversation about the devolution of music, .move along to something else that peaks your interest @pesky_wabbit   I don’t care for a... 
Antidote to Nihilism - Jordan Peterson "MUSIC"
@mahgister I agree with that observation 100%. Decline in the Quality and complexity of music is a direct representation of the cognitive/spiritual decline in the population at large. The end of civilizations have quite a few things in common... ... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
It means, Among those without deficiency who are hospitalized, only 3% die; Patients that are hospitalized with a Vitamin D deficiency, 26% died. Patients with insufficient D are also 14 times likelier to end up in severe or critical condition, ... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
@danager F the lockdowns for that supposed .2% benefit. Hand out Vitamin D supplements instead. Take a 5000iu pill, and chill on the stupid face diaper.   In June, researchers published preliminary findings showing that 26 percent of coronaviru... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
There is a higher chance of me getting hit in the head by the moon, than there is of a mask stopping viral spread. @jerryg123 a very thick helmet has been proven to keep the moon away by .2%. Permanent Helmet mandates for your own safety. 👩‍🚀 ... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
I live in Los Angeles.....A city that is highly vaccinated, with mask mandates, with vaccine passports, a city that had the harshest lockdowns... Almost Everyone I know and their mother had covid in January... Rates of infection were 4 times hig... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
    A review by three economists found that COVID restrictions only reduced COVID mortality rates by 0.2 percent The study was published in the Studies in Applied Economics January 2022 edition but was largely ignored by mainstream medi... 
Antidote to Nihilism - Jordan Peterson "MUSIC"
@dadork Those people don’t mater. Intellectual curiosity, you either have it, or you don’t. This post is for the ones that are interested in what is being said, not for the ones who only care about who is saying it 🙏 Glad you enjoyed the video, ... 
Check this out.
@oldhvymec No, my DIY fuses are modded. I took the silica and nano copper out of the fuses, and refilled them with  Arctic MX-5 heatsink paste.  Resealed the fuses with epoxy glue.  Stock Gustard is a good fuse, but after the treatments, it play... 
Check this out.
The Gustard fuse with the Arctic MX-5 heatsink compound is DEAD SILENT. It has a very calm acoustic pattern, and has gobs of resolution, voices sound extremely convincing. I have tried bypassing my fuses altogether, temporarily with copper foil, ... 
Check this out.
To add: Both the modded Gustard fuse and the SR Purple have their strengths, some might prefer one over the other, outcomes are probably system dependent.   
Check this out.
@rixthetrick in my DAC, I prefer this modded Gustard fuse over the SR Purple.