
Responses from whipsaw

When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
I appreciate that you are willing to engage further.While it is good to see you acknowledge that there is subjectivity involved in the appreciation of various types of music, that is only the most obvious point. I have already made another importa... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Thanks for providing such clear, unvarnished confirmation. 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
The common denominator that ties the vast majority of the harsh critics – like garebear above – is that they lump all rap artists together.That alone underscores that their opinions stem from ignorance.Don’t misunderstand: everyone is of course fr... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
I'm quite surprised that no one has mentioned Gil Scott-Heron, as he was clearly a very powerful, early influence on the genre. And if you think that rap is all about "thugs", or that rap artists aren't musicians, then you haven't listened to Scot... 
How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?
Thanks Norman.Luxman was also considered to by high-class from that period in Japan, and I have owned one of their very good receivers from the '70s. But this Accuphase integrated amp is outstanding!I also had it serviced and re-capped, which does... 
How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?
I'm currently using an Accuphase E-303 integrated amp and T-103 tuner. Both are outstanding, and easily stand up to many newer and even contemporary models. 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
You’ve been thinking about Rap music for 30 years, and this is your conclusion?I don’t think most of it (rap) is even music. I feel the same about a lot of the modern classical compositions I was forced to study in college. Comparing either to rea... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Interesting topic.First, while what I am about to say may suggest otherwise, I am not a fan of Rap music. Which is to say that I rarely choose to listen to it, much as I rarely choose to listen to Opera.And while I can understand the visceral disl... 
Any opinions on a possible switch from Von Schweikert VR-1 to Spendor SA1 speakers?
Thanks guys. That is very helpful, as given my room dynamics, bright wouldn't be good.I'll do some digging into the Harbeths. Any particular model(s) that you would recommend? 
From everything I read
I agree with those who suggest that FM won't be going away anytime soon. However, I am a bit biased in that I am using an Accuphase T-303, and really enjoy it. 
Any opinions on a possible switch from Von Schweikert VR-1 to Spendor SA1 speakers?
Thanks, I appreciate your input, and what you say makes sense. 
Recs for solid state integrated, $2-3,000 range
I second the Jeff Rowland Concentra I or II advice. I own the earlier version, and consider it to be absolutely outstanding.I also recently acquired a vintage Accuphase E-303 to use in Europe where I am currently living, and am very impressed. Not... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
I owned a pair of Dahlquist DQ-10s and early Magnepan Timponis. Both were excellent, and would hold up well enough today with good associated gear. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
While I still have (and love) my Jeff Rowland Concentra, it is in storage, and I am now using a vintage Accuphase E-303.I could easily imagine keeping both! 
Your Favorite Top 10 tuners all time
I have relatively little experience with top competitors, however, I did own an Accuphase T-101 for several years, and have recently acquired a T-103. It's a bit of an apples and oranges comparison as the associated components and location are qui...