

Responses from weiserb

anyone? anyone?
www.audioadvisor.com has best selection ask for a catalog 
Which cable will reduce harshness of CD player?
Musical Fidelity x 10 Tube CD buffer may be your ticket under $ 150 on audiogon etc. 
Tube Experts -- Help with Retubing AR amp
Setting the bias is not too dificult . You need an auto ranging multimeter from radio Shack < $ 50.00 and the plastic screwdrivers also from RS . ARC Tech will walk you through it. 
Original Packaging, you gotta have it.
USE Air conditioner, computer boxes or TV boxes. I prefer the Wega boxes ! And always double box ! Your local appliance store can usually help just throw the stockboy a buck or two and you will be set! 
Melos CDD2 transport - any good?
Melos is gone and their service was not good. They had my sha gold reference pre twice and did not repair a cold short.They had me send it to their old address (UPS returned the piece a month later ) Go for something from a more reliable company e... 
Phono stage suggestions?
I have a sonic frontiers Sig-1 tube phono which is built like a tank , sounds great & is under priced under 750 used ! 
Speaker recommendations for 2,500 or less?
Used Aerial 10T 
buying a stereo for my 16 yr. old
I would recoment a Pioner sx-750 or luxman receiver or OLD Marantz some can be had for a hundred or so and they have great phono section,and great tuners ! add a cd , TT and a pair of ADS 710's and you will have a mini audiophile system . The chea... 
Any Subs Linn Sondek Oil 1,000,000.00 a gallon
Thanks for the follow ups > BTW of course I am not expermimenting to save $ 5.00 on an LP-12 . I was hoping someone with technical knowledge would shed some light on this oil .Thanks! 
carver m 500t amp wiring problem
Monster cable makes connectors that fit over the thick bear wire and have a thin braded gold plated wire that easily fits inside the binding post. Their available at Circut City for $ 19.99 for 4 
My 1st TT your thoughts, please?
Your on the right track, try some of the new heavy vinyl audiophile pressings they are quieter & sound awesome also MSFL vinyl is great ! 
Is Audio Research Corp alive and well?
Try Calling them yourself! They were great when I called & walked me through tube biasing on the phone for over 15 minutes. Plus they faxed me the manuals for the vintage pieces I bought . WOW ! And of course their equiptment sounds great ! 
VTL Service ??
I have a VTL ST-150, and it is a superb sounding amp with very strong deep bass and lots of guts . It has blown some capacitors twice and they were serviced locally in NYC (due to the fact that it weighs about 70 lbs) at Analogic . I have spoke to... 
Are there any MFSL bootleg copies around?
You should be able to find one from [email protected] Brent is awesome and has a huge selection of sealed and mint MFSL CDS and Lots of Audiophile LPS too . Tell him Bruce From NYC sent you . I bought lots used MFSL from him & they alwa... 
Any one want a laugh????
I think thats great ! Anyone who think that is possible should head down to Cosco for a great deal on some 4 foot high Speakers with a 15" woofer for $ 99.00 Pr along with the $ 199.99 500 watt receiver. I helped a friend from work buy a NHT/Velod...