
Responses from tlcocks

Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I don’t hear any audible hiss at all when listening to music at normal AND loud levels on ANY of the gear we’ve discussed. Good chain through and through and is a non issue. Cannot however speak to Lokius or other non Loki Max Schiit products. Of ... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
It basically comes down to remote vs better V or U shaped sound signature versatility   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Not considering remote, Skyline is just as easy to use, sounds completely transparent, and honestly gives a more hi fi take on bass and treble with more flexibility there. I’d say with 2 db cuts here and there and not much boost elsewhere the two ... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Agreed, but there is not a single thing the Max does BETTER. except for the remote, which can be huge for some   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Ok…impressions of Skyline vs Charter Oak in my HP chain, which is X Sabre 3 balanced streamer/ dac > EQ > Headamp GSX Mini > balanced out to Hifiman HE1000SE.    The Skyline sounds great. The mids are resolute and fully saturated and acc... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@mirolab , can you explain why my custom grounded Cardas XLR to RCA cables work for CO, Millennia, and Avalon (all strictly pro +4dbu balanced) but not with the Skyline?  Is that not bizarre? Jason at Revive Audio said it’s “something about the to... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
That’s fine. You’re entitled to your opinion. I’d avoid words like “nonsense “.  There are nicer ways to disagree. We all have extensive listening experience, and some have extensive pro recording experience. Let’s respect each other. @wolf_garcia... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“Oh, also the treble and bass bands are better than Loki Max.” If it’s this part you’ve referred to, it is readily evident that those bands boosted sound better to me subjectively than Loki Max. Sorry. Miro said much the same a while ago.  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
BuT…having more power and less dial change is generally a good thing. Much like proper amplification and having that “power reserve “ leads to better saturation and SQ. @wolf_garcia , you are just hell bent on insulting me because I don’t like you... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Didn’t say they did. Just describing a difference. Not sure how a simple observation without qualifying it as good or bad is nonsense   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Got 30 minutes turning dials. CO bass bands more powerful with more slam. Bass weak records on HEKse can turn sub and 40hz dials almost all the way to get the same slam and tactility as CO with much less dialed in. Oh, also the treble and bass ban... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
The unit is indeed more transparent, both in bypass and engaged with all dials flat, than the CO. Miro is correct there.  More on SQ of filters dialed in later.   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Ok. The Skyline is functioning BEAUTIFULLY in my HP chain. Initial impressions good. First minutes. Let me listen critically more tomorrow and report back on Skyline CO comparisons then.   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I CAN report so far that Miro s description of the completely transparent hard bypass switch is correct though. More on how it is in my HP chain later.