
Responses from parker65310

Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
I’m not a proponent of MQA because it is a way for the music industry to further leverage musicians. That said, I’ve listened to many excellent Tidal MQA albums and some that aren’t anything great. Like any recording, the sound quality hinges on t... 
External DAC?
I have a Node2. I just bought an MHDT Orchid tube DAC with a Silnote Audio Classic Digital RCA cable. The Orchid cost $1,300 with the upgraded Tung-Sol tube. Love the ability to change the sound with different tubes. Reviews all rave about the Orc... 
Tubed Preamp recommendations?
Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) rarely gets any love in Audiogon discussions, but I’ve had their tube preamps for a long time. I couldn’t be happier with my early generation VK-5i preamp (Coupled with a VK-600 with bat pack amp). Their designer ha... 
What are you streaming tonight?
I’m obsessive about music. Have been my whole life. I have huge playlists of all sorts of genres I’ve hand-picked everything on Tidal HI-FI. Lately it’s been mostly around building and listing to playlists of the Deutsche Grammophon Classical cata... 
Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
It certainly could be a setting issue I’ve never experienced with my Node2. It sounds like it certainly could be your bandwidth. I’ve never had an issue streaming even the highest bit level MQA over WiFi with my Node2. Particularly HD, or even wor... 
Can anyone recommend a good streamer/DAC?
I’ve already got the BlueSound Node 2. The 2i fidelity-wise is the same. I’m happy with it, but I’m looking at offloading to a DAC to improve the sound even further. Two that have caught my eye in particular are via the links below. The MyTek full... 
unbeatable Class A integrated
I’m a huge fan of anything Balanced Audio Technology (BAT). Their philosophy is a clean, pure sound with huge dynamics and lots of current. They have always been a perfect match for my Apogee planar speakers. You get the best of solid state and tu... 
Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there
Don’t know if I’m too late to chime in, but I’m a huge fan of Balanced Audio Technology (BAT). I’ve got an older VK-600 with bat pack and love it paired with a tube vk-5i with my planar Apogee speakers. Granted I’m on the other end of efficiency f... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
I’m by no means an expert and cannot speak to class d amps, but old school heavy duty class a amps are made for this sort of load. I drive my Apogees with a Balanced Audio Technology VK-600 with bat pack and couldn’t be happier. Yes, they run hott... 
Saxaphone vs. Trumpet...Which do you prefer?
Odd thread. It’s the expression of the musician that matters. These instruments greatly compliment one another. Think about Coltrane and his tenor sax and Miles Davis’ trumpet. Some of the best music, not just jazz, ever created. The obvious that ... 
Do you guys like Adele's music?
She’s very talented, but I don’t care for her albums. In my opinion, her live covers of others are exceptional though. 
Your favourite music movie?
Singles, Apocalypse Now, Big Chill, Chariots of Fire 
Favorite Miles Davis release
Another I love because is so different from his other albums (funk and he painted the cover art himself) - On the Corner. 
Favorite Miles Davis release
Kind of Blue - Some may shun it since it has sold more copies than any other jazz album ever, but that doesn’t make it any less great. It’s an absolute classic that I regularly return to much like Coltrane’s A Love Supreme. 
What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?
Apogee Duetta Ultimates or Apogee Diva Ultimates by True Sound Works (or by one of the other Graz trained/supplied rebuilders/updaters). I plan to one day upgrade my Duetta Signature Series IIs to Ultimates. I’ve been hooked to the magnetostatic s...