
Responses from mwgreene

Please Help Weed Them Out
Yeah, I saw those reports about Focal too. I also thought a great deal about  Audeze phones too. (As well as ZMF). All I can share with you is MY thought process, obviously. One of the most frustrating negative aspects about internet research on t... 
Please Help Weed Them Out
I had a similar problem. My wife works out of the house and I can't play the big rig during the day.  Also no vocal music and symphonic stuff at night if she is working. I wanted a headphone system with close back phones that was faithful to the ... 
Matching DAC to Audiolab 6000cdt
Oh, just in case you are interested....I'm using Audioquest SPDIF Coffee cables from the Benchmark to the the Audiolab, I previously used an  Audioquest Vodka toslink cable. When I contacted Benchmark and luckily got John Siau on the phone (the de... 
Matching DAC to Audiolab 6000cdt
Kirk, I'm using a Benchmark DAC3B and really couldn't be happier. I should add....and this is important for streaming...there is an ENO filter between my ethernet network switch and the Benchmark.  
Benchmark DAC Thoughts to you for looking for a good synergy fit for your DAC 3B. That’s exactly what we all should be striving to do, right? Funny after my first post, I was listening to an Igor Markevich recording of the the Tchaikovsky 5th on the ne... 
Benchmark DAC Thoughts
Congratulations! I (obviously) think you have made a great choice. I should tell you a few other things. I know you were looking to upgrade your speakers from an earlier post. I have the Vandersteen Treos CT you were considering. I also run my sig... 
Benchmark DAC Thoughts
Happy to chime in! I'm currently a very happy owner/user of a Benchmark 3BDAC and an Audiolab 6000 CD Transport. (I stream through an Auralic Aries G1). I find everyday that it sounds true and fantastic. You will hear more differences between reco... 
Dazed and confused about streamer upgrade
I have Vandersteen Treos and I’m running an Auralic G1 streamer with a Benchmark DAC3. I should also say I’m using a Cisco ethernet switch with a Network Acoustics copper cable and copper EON passive filter. My streaming sound quality is extraordi... 
A Very Useful New Discovery--EON Digital Filter from Network Acoustics
Rareace...Because of your question, I will do some research on the GigafoilV4. I'm not up to date on that, but in general I totally agree with your premise. Rich, from Network Acoustics, suggested I add a network switch...he suggested a DS Gigabyt... 
A Very Useful New Discovery--EON Digital Filter from Network Acoustics
So glad both of you are basically hearing the same improvements I heard. We speak the same language with different dialects! I have neglected to mention that I have added the Network Acoustics CU UBS cable since I wrote the original post .Although... 
What’s your top 5 Christmas albums ?
There are two that Nancy and I have listened to for over 25 years (Just played them last night for the first time this year). Nat King Cole on Capitol and Crescent City Christmas by Wynton Marsalis on Columbia. This was recorded at the heights of ... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
I personally listen through a Benchmark Dac B and really like it. But since you are willing to spend up...It would seem that the Holo May Kitsune is the way to go today. Hard to argue with the high quality of the reviews it's getting....and the te... 
What kind of music do you like to hear the most?
Wow...I had to stop and think a minute. Yes, as I get older I'm listening to classical music more often but I'm also educating myself with David Hurwitz's excellent You Tube channel. Tonight I started off with Charles Ives Symphony No 2, a piece I... 
A Very Useful New Discovery--EON Digital Filter from Network Acoustics
I should jump in here and attempt to clear things up a bit (I hope).I realize that the facts point to me being a shill for the ENO....that’s totally fair. Low post count, etc. I have been lurking on this site for nine months or so since I’ve been ... 
A Very Useful New Discovery--EON Digital Filter from Network Acoustics
Goofyfoot, I think Fuzztone mentioned that he has a Silent Angel. That apparently is the same basic unit that Chord is using to mod for their English Audio unit. I think part of the confusion might be anytime an affordable tweek or mod gets an "Au...