
Responses from mlsstl

Bel Canto S-300i
I haven't heard the model you refer to but I've had the S300 power amp for quite some time and really like it. I think it is an excellent buy. I posted an evaluation in the review section of Audiogon that you may wish to read. 
tube Watts vs solid state Watts
While on one level a watt is just a watt, we also have to take into account how humans hear. As Duke noted early in the thread, we perceive "loudness" far more on the average level than peaks. Take the following example with a 20 watt tube amp and... 
tube Watts vs solid state Watts
Duke, excellent answer. Clipping behavior is the reason that people perceive tube amps to be more powerful even when the wattage is the same. This is also the reason that electric guitar players love tube amps. Many of the most memorable "sounds" ... 
Are Sound Waves Able To Penetrate Canvas Painting?
The change in absorption from canvas paint is going to be frequency dependent. Higher frequencies may be reflected where they were previously absorbed. However, painted canvas is not near as stiff as drywall, plaster or paneling. To the extent tha... 
DIY CD Compression?
Adobe Audition will let you "normalize" tracks, do peak limiting, adjust volume levels, do dynamics processing and other such goodies. Pro Tools and probably some other programs will also do this. You'd have to rip the tracks from the original CD,... 
life without audio dealers
Unfortunately a lot of this discussion seems to be turning into a black and white situation. It is almost as if some are saying that if the dealer won't deliver endless pairs of expensive speakers to their homes for lengthy trials, then a B&M ... 
life without audio dealers
when you compare speakers at an audio dealer, will that comparison hold up in one's own stereo system ? is possible that while you might prefer speaker a over speaker b during a dealer demo, you might prefer speaker b over speaker a with ... 
life without audio dealers
There is no good substitute for looking at and hearing equipment in person. I've seen some fine looking photographs that fail to communicate certain aspects of how a piece actually appears in real life. Punching buttons, twirling knobs and general... 
Von Schweikert VR4-JR
If you suspect the unwanted sound is a mechanical resonance from a speaker driver, try running a frequency sweep (though be careful with volume level as you get into the highs - you don't want to fry a tweeter.) If there is a resonant frequency yo... 
What Volume do you listen at?
> Grand Piano = 110 db SPL, Drum Set = 115 db SPL...These figures get thrown around a lot, but need to have a dose of moderation applied. Those figures are correct if you are standing next to the instrument while someone is banging away as loud... 
An Audiophile Goal
Bob, I'd remind you that it is easy to correctly quote a single sentence someone wrote but still have it be out of the original context in an effort to have it support an unrelated premise. That appears to be what happened in this case. I'd furthe... 
What Volume do you listen at?
My guess is that when you have High End gear, you naturally want to play the music at a higher volume.I've found this to be untrue, especially with fully acoustic music. If the system has good resolution, dynamics and a low noise level, the urge t... 
An Audiophile Goal
Emailists, I'd have to comment that it is pretty common for people to use quotes out of context. The likelihood of this happening increases when you have someone like Bob who fervently believes he has stumbled onto an insight that few others, if a... 
Why no trading?
You radically, and I mean radically, decrease the likelihood of a deal when you are looking for a trade. The odds of you having what the other guy wants and him having exactly what you want are pretty thin. That's not to say impossible, but the fo... 
Where to find Taiyo Yuden discs
I get mine from Prices are competitive and service is good. They also sell an extensive line professional CD equipment. If you haven't seen it, check out the Taiyo Yuden water resistant ink-jet printable CDRs. They have a gloss f...