

Responses from mkgus

Interconnect Directionality
@jea48 You can’t tell me these things. Now I’m going to have to spend a weekend making sure all my speaker cables are oriented properly so the damn piano stays put. 😀What is the proper orientation for hand twisted cables? Should the signal and ret... 
Interconnect Directionality
Assuming cables do have a direction to them, it makes sense that I observed a slight difference in phase or some type of imbalance when hooked up right: forward and left: backward. Assuming you’ve identified the cable directions, is there any diff... 
Interconnect Directionality
From nonoise’s post:”We underwent a testing program. We wanted to listen to every type of different connector we were going to use, every cable we were going to use and also pay attention to the physical aspects of the support of the all the equip... 
Interconnect Directionality
Haha, bring on reality! 
What is wrong with a sub?
David, I am hesitant to use different makes and models of subs when putting multiple in the same room. I’m not saying it can’t be done or that it can’t sound great but I believe you stand a better chance at integrating them when they’re all the sa... 
Remote Control (Passive) Preamp
Thank you, you guys are awesome! 
How Do You Deal With Baffle Edge Diffraction?
You’re correct Erik. I am referring to baffle edge diffraction. Both that and baffle step are important concepts. Good information all around. It’s my understanding that edge diffraction will cause the higher frequencies to “re-emit” from multiple... 
What is wrong with a sub?
Subwoofers are absolutely audiophile. I think at times they get a bad rap because people don’t take the time to set them up correctly and all you hear is bass that sucks the detail and music out of the lower octaves. A properly set up subwoofer sh... 
How Do You Deal With Baffle Edge Diffraction?
Erik, do you mean the area directly between the speakers or the back wall behind the speakers? 
How Do You Deal With Baffle Edge Diffraction?
Try it out and let me know what you think. Two challenges are affixing it to the speaker so it doesn’t cause damage (tape not leaving residue, etc) and making it look presentable. :) I’m currently supporting mine with some dental floss but I will ... 
3D Printed Sound Treatment
Interesting. So what do you think would be best with the 3D printed “block” quadratic diffuser:1) “Solid” infill2) Hatched infill 2) Hollow infill with a dampener like dynamat on the back sides of the blocks3) Solid infill with a flat back and att... 
The Science of Cables
Where do we start? It seems to me that we need a basic system from which to build knowledge. Tying together music reproduction, hearing, and human emotions into a scientific framework seems like a tall order. One I believe is conquerable.  
Is a CD Transport the Best Digital Source?
Streaming lossless via Tidal, and also FLAC through Audirvana by USB. 
Is a CD Transport the Best Digital Source?
Thanks for the info.  
Is a CD Transport the Best Digital Source?
Is the CXC mechanism easy to replace? Parts are readily available?