

Responses from ltmandella

How best to arrange cables in this room...
Here.s what I did in a similiar situation and it works for me 😋     SORRY, couldn't resist...  
Should I graduate to floor standers or will larger bookshelves suffice?
@secretguy:  Nah    
Should I graduate to floor standers or will larger bookshelves suffice?
There is a middle ground between floor standers and bookshelf speakers. Stand mounts they are called. I own a pair of Reference3A DeCapo I "stand mounters".  Way too big for bookshelves, but half the height of floorstanders.  Surprisingly copiou... 
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs?
I use a particular recording to compare components in my system: She's the One from Born to Run. Once you get to know a particular recording - it's good areas and it's bad areas - it is easier to compare components for differences in sound. I us... 
looking for an integrated amp in the $1500 range
I have always adored the sound of my Musical Fidelity A1 (2008) version Class A integrated.  But it does run HOT. I listen with Reference 3A DeCapo I speakers, 90 db and no crossover, the midwoofer rolls off naturally so just a high pass cap on t... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
In a word: Very Good!  
Why would someone feel the need to comment unpleasant things on sale posts
It's the internet!    Billions of brains surgeons, former Navy Seals, and world class experts in every domain (LOL) sitting in their darkened rooms all day with nothing else to do except educate and correct we fools online!  
One key to building great systems over time.
Although it is hard to go very wrong when purchasing high end equipment from well reviewed, mature, and reliable manufacturers (the resale value will usually be good anyway), there ARE GREAT bargains to be had in terms of value for $$, IF you do y... 
Burning smell
This is the internet.  Nothing that is presented on the internet should ever, repeat ever, be believed. This is the internet.  
What do/did you do for a living?
When I was young and a skilled factory worker (offset printing) I could afford budget gear like NAD 3020 amp, Boston Acoustics A40 speakers, Dual TT with Grado MM cart, Heathkit tuner, and I splurged on a Pioneer RT-707. When I was in my prime ea... 
What was your first record?
LP: Magical Mystery Tour 45: Incense and Peppermint I sold flower and vegetable seeds door-to-door for my spending money in the spring and summer. In the fall I raked leaves. In the winter shoveled snow.  
Why on earth?
" Never understood that one" It is in layman's terms "The psycology of advertising". Billions of dollars in research has been done to learn what motivates consumers to want to buy a product. Much of advertising is based on such research, which ... 
If I rip all my CD's to flac files do I still need a CD transport?
If the EMP attack comes, better to have saved those CDs...  
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?
Pledge. Works great for CDs also.  
What is the science behind audiophile fuses?