

Responses from goldprintaudio

Where to go from Rogue M-150 amps?
Do you have a price range and power requirement that you are looking for? 
Rogue Audio two new integrateds Great or Same old?
As Donjr mentions, the Cronus Mag is an incredible value (as is the Sphinx). The Pharaoh is very impressive so far, and I am sure will get better as it has a few more hours on it.I guess it really comes down to your specific power requirements and... 
Rogue Audio two new integrateds Great or Same old?
I've been very impressed with my Pharaoh demo unit so far. Still have a few more hours to put on it before it's fully broken in, but it sounds very, very good.***Rogue dealer disclaimer*** 
Joseph dealer here (along with XLO).I would suggest either the XLO or Cardas. XLO works great with Joseph (look at either the Ref or Sig series depending on price points). I've been very impressed with how nice the XLO's are. 
Kevin gets the
As an FYI, Cary only sells direct into markets where there are no dealers.I do not see Cary headed downstream at all. Quite the opposite actually. Same great products as in the past (SLP98, SLP05, 805, 211, 120s, etc) with new digital models forth... 
Is Cary Audio still selling CD Players?
Peter is correct. The new cd player/dac will hopefully be ready in a few months.***Cary Dealer Disclaimer*** 
Krell 302 v 302e
To me, the "e" versions are improved across the whole lineup.As an fyi, you should be able to update the 302 to "e" status. Although being in the UK may make it a bit pricey factoring in shipping back and forth, plus the cost of the upgrade itself... 
New tubes for Cary 303T
NOS Mullard's work well. Also RCA clear tops. 
Processors On the Market Now
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for that the Anthem does not do/have? 
Joseph Audio RM7XL
They can be bi-wired. 
Joseph Audio RM7XL
Springbok--They work fairly well against the wall. With the front port, it certainly helps with close wall placement.I have a customer that purchased a pair from me that actually uses them in cabinets and they work surprisingly well in that manor.... 
Bookshelf or Tower
What's your room size? 
Anybody heard the Krell Foundation?
Nice review on the unit here:http://www.avsforum.com/t/1468563/krell-brings-foundation-av-pre-pro-to-the-new-york-audio-show***Krell dealer disclaimer*** 
What amp stands for Cary monoblocks?
For a simple and not to expensive option, I really like the Salamander Synergy amp stands.***Salamander and Cary dealer disclaimer*** 
Want to replace RED Dragon amps with stereo amp
Price range?Since you like your Pre3 so much, how about the Bel Canto REF150s stereo amp?***Bel Canto dealer disclaimer***