
Responses from gmood1

Windows Media Player Issues
One word.. J.River media center..well actually three words. ;-) 
Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges
All of Bob Brine's speakers use baffle step correction circuits installed.You can read about the BSC on his site. When I say they do not sound like most SDs it is because of the BSC and the mass loaded transmission line.Unfortunately I'm in the th... 
Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges
Hi Mikeyc8,No the upgraded parts can be added when the speaker is built per Bob Brines. He'll give you the specifications and you can order the caps, resistors and inductors from a number of places and have them shipped too him... Or he will order... 
Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges
I admit it is a balancing act and not easily done.With your room dimensions it looks very do able. You just may pull it off. The Brines Acoustic LT-2000s may work well in that room.Bass down to around 30Hz. Efficient enough to be driven by a few w... 
Help. My system is shouting at me
Do you have another player you can swap out for the Cambridge? I've experienced what you're describing in the past. It wasn't the wire or the the room. It was a combination of the other equipment and the CD player. Mainly the CD player though.The ... 
Running Speaker Wire through Drywall
Hi is this an inside wall or exterior wall your trying to run the wire through down to the basement? Are you planning to bring the wire back up through an opposite wall on the same floor? Yes your exterior walls have insulation inside them. Your i... 
High-current tube amps
Cytocycle ,I'm not sure I agree with you on the SET not being accurate statement. Just because an amplifier doesn't have the ability to drive certain speakers has nothing to do with how accurate it is. Get the sound of SET from a preamp? I don't t... 
any advice appreciated
Welcome aboard! I can't stress enough how important your front end really is.Try not to skimp too badly on the player. A used Jolida CD player would fit nicely into your setup. $1200 can buy a lot of speaker used. It's a shame you're not able to g... 
Anthem, Rotel or Bryston ???
I'm curious to how you've narrowed the selection to these three manufactures?After doing a little research, I find your speakers are quite efficient. No need to stick a monster amplifier on these bookshelves.I think Cxintx and Bob Reynolds are on ... 
"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
I've been listening to the Theta DS Pro Va for roughly 3 hours comparing it to the BC3. Very tough here ...I detect no grain what so ever from the Theta. It is one musical Dac for sure. It never sounds harsh or vague too me.It has more gain than t... 
"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
Over the next few days I will be comparing a Bel Canto Dac 3 to a Theta GEN V. I wish it had an optical input, I could just hook it to the PC. I'll have to test using a basic Denon DVD player instead. 
Long runs - USB or RCA???
15 feet of USB cable isn't what I would consider long. I couldn't hear any differences between 15 or 6 feet of USB cable. I know several audiophiles that use similar problems to speak of. 
Long runs - USB or RCA???
I would do the USB cable. Keep the ICs as short as possible. A basic USB cable should do the job just fine. If it makes you feel better, buy an expensive USB cable to keep any audiophile paranoia in check. 
Toslink/iTunes into DAC, Why not use iTunes volume
Sorry Elf73,I got you confused with another poster. OK well you could use either Monarchy DIP then. I think your unit oversamples. The cable thing is fine ..its not going too make as much difference as the Monarchy DIP though. A toslink won't make... 
Toslink/iTunes into DAC, Why not use iTunes volume
No using the Itunes volume doesn't bypass the Dac. It just gives the Dac less bits to work with when it is used.When I used the Monarchy, I noticed the bass became more prominent or profound as well as the entire frequency range.There was just sim...