

Responses from edgyhassle

Observation: Passion vs Obsession
@boxer12       Exactly.  @noske No measurement or proof necessary. Just feel it...your neurons do.  
Soundsmith Strain Gauge - Thank You!
@millercarbonWell done! Can't wait to hear about it. I'm currently on an upgrade freeze for 2021. I will live vicariously through you and others.If you decide to sell the Herron, please add me to the list, as I'm sure there are others.Have fun!Eddie 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@pcourtney   Agreed!  Still loving my bars under my Belle Klipsch and Nobsound under my Turntable. Maybe time to step up that game as well as under my integrated. 
Adding a Turntable Mat
Also Herbie's has matts of various thicknesses which allows you to dial in your VTA. It can be a challenge to measure the difference from where it is now to where you need to be, but gives you another option.  Especially after added the OL Cartrid... 
Owning the speakers you dreamed of 20 years ago
Upgraded my Belle Klipsch crossovers with ALK extreme slope, put them on Townsend Bars and I am in love. I will look into a tweeter upgrade next, based on some of the above comments. I was already on that path anyway. 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Almarg seems like a sage. Too bad I missed him, Johnnie-come-lately. 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
I love my Townsend Bars, wouldn't trade them in for anything else. Couldn't tell you how they work, they just do. My 125 lb speakers float in the air, the sway when touched. Everything comes into equilibrium sound-wise for me.  
The Raven Has Landed
Living the life!! I love it!! 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@millercarbon Glad you mentioned Satchmo. I've been listening to a lot of music by him lately. I was listening to an interview by one of the guys at Mosaic Records while streaming WWOZ, and learned a little tidbit of information. It seems that you... 
The Miller Carbon Story
The thing I enjoy most about your quest MC is the path. You weren't jumping around throwing lot's of spaghetti at all the walls. One pot of spaghetti at one wall. It seems methodical, calmly, observing and assessing each step. So many variables fo... 
@millercarbon  Agreed!  That is nice as well, definitely enjoyed the sounds if quiet and nature in my trip.@elliottbnewcombjr  I just have the one, I saw them live a few years ago.  They definitely impressed me.  I need to expand my exposure. The ... 
What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???
All I want for Christmas is a Dr Feickert Blackbird with a 4-point and other nice arm.  However my quarters jar is not full enough yet...Santa HELP! 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
That's great, glad to hear it!   I sure look forward to coming home and listening.  Cheers! 
klipsh scala speakers
For me stock La Scalas are good...with a few tweaks they can really sing and pound.  They are very loud.  If he is willing to tweak them (dampen, upgrade crossover) this would be a great pair.  In it's natural set-up it can fall short.  My favorit... 
"Don't Touch Me There" by The Tubes.