
Responses from dz13

Which Hegel Amp with LRS+
Here's a video with Steve Guttenberg using the Hegel H95 with the LRS speakers.   
Which Hegel Amp with LRS+
Audio Excellence did a video on the LRS which identified Hegel as a good match. I would suggest that, if money isn't a consideration, get the most powerful amp you can afford the 390 or 590. However, t... 
Node X
@stuartbmw3 Me too definitely. Hate hard, etched treble. It is already making good progress and, for me, who isn't going to do much streaming, it is already a success and pretty much what I want. I went after the Node X because of the better DAC a... 
Node X
I've been busy working but I was able to spend time listening with the Node X on Tuesday and then tonight. The hard edge is softening but I'm also purposefully listening to pretty trebly stuff. I really like the band Alvvays and Molly Rankin has a... 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
1. Spatial Audio Lab X5s 2.  Magnepan .7s 3.  Martin Logan Mosaic 4.  Nola Boxer s3 5.  KEF LS50 Meta I had some KEF speakers a long time ago and don't remember what they were. My 3 year old knocked them over and broke them.   
Node X
I'm surprised that Apple Music would sound best via Chromecast. I don't think the BlueSound Node does Chromecast.  I did a chat with Audio Advisor about the sound and the response was that the sound would break in and open up. It's not bad now, j... 
Node X
@mahler123 Wireless. The room where I inserted it is not anywhere close to where my router is so I cannot use an ethernet cable. The MXN10 was/is a very new product so it might be some time before Audio Advisor gets it. I had no issue with either ... 
Node X
I just set it up and it sets up very easily. The app basically does the work. Huge difference from the Cambridge Audio experience.   
Maggie LRS amping question
I look at the LRS as a gateway drug. If you start thinking that maybe you can get better sound, you'd better have the money. I quickly went from the LRS to the .7s to Spatial Audio Lab's X5s. That's a geometric progression money-wise and that does... 
Node X
I will. I still work so it will take a say or two to get it into my system.  
Node X
I'm in that boat. I've ordered it and it should come tomorrow. I haven't streamed before but want the opportunity to try. I previously tried out the Cambridge Audio MXN10 but that didn't work well for me. Anyway, I ordered from Audio Advisors beca... 
Question about wpc on tube amps
While I agree that 10 watts of tube amp does not equal 100 watts of SS power, I'm not sure about the idea that tube amps won't work with Magnepan speakers though the small budget would be a problem unless something used can be found.  Here is ano... 
Danny Richie on loudspeaker design.
Danny’s video was a response to Jay’s Iyagi’s video and clarified or corrected things Jay was saying. I think Danny made it very clear that when people send in a speaker to him, they are doing so because there is something that needs fixing and he... 
Hidden Gems in Classic Rock Albums
@tonykay I saw Romeo Void live back in the day and it was one of the best concerts I remember seeing. The guitar, bass and drums were just locked in and could create incredible tension just with dynamics since there really wasn't any solos played ... 
What's your picks
@grislybutter I like your chart as I own 2 of the 5 boutique speakers (Nola and Spatial). Plus I've listened to and like the Buchardt and Totem speakers. I haven't seen or heard Fritz speakers.