
Responses from drrdiamond

So why was the Krell KPS 28c discontinued?
I just can't help myself, but I have to respond to the post of Ovature.If you have such a negative feeling towards Krell, why did you own one for two years? And if it was built like the Sony SCD-1, that is a pretty good recommendation.Although I a... 
Should I be concerned about overpowering my spkrs
If you did "crank it up all the way", as Jtinn said, you would be more likely to hurt your speakers with a smaller amp. You can never have too much power!Richard 
Question on shipping speakers without boxes.
Unless you are using a moving company, DO NOT send without boxes! 
Solid state design options...
I am very picky. I own Krell. I have no idea about any of these designs as they relate to any of the Krell amps that I now own or have owned in the past.Buy a good amp from a good company. Actually I bought great amps from a great company.Just my ... 
So why was the Krell KPS 28c discontinued?
Jeff,If you have read my previous posts, then you know that I really, really like Krell; the company, the products and the people behind the products.Knowing them, if they can offer an upgrade, they will. Only when the new product is too big of a ... 
So why was the Krell KPS 28c discontinued?
My guess (but I really know nothing):Wouldn't one be pissed if you bought the KPS28 and a month later Krell comes out with a "KPS29" SACD player.I think this may just be a buffer before an SACD player is released.Richard 
Replacement power cord for Krell FPB400cx
Not only Dan's rath, but the process voids the warrantee.I have, use for my mid/highs, and love my 300, but wouldn't upgrade until I could buy a used (almost out of warrantee) 400cx. I have been advised by a Krell dealer that the improvement in go... 
Krell --- Are the Newer designs better?
Yes, and I've owned many over the last 15 years.Richard 
Krell FPB 200, comments?
I have owned:2 McIntosh 2105'sKrell KST100Krell KSA250Krell KSA300SKrell FPB300Each amp is better than the one that preceeded it. Possibly the biggest difference was with the FPB. I would go for the 300 over the 200 if you can spring for the extra... 
Fellow phile Needs Help Bias for Krell.
Mike,I think they lied.Richard 
CD/Transport W/ External DAC
Ipy is right!! The cost of proper support is essential, especially with a CDP or transport.I bought the Marantz SA-14 SACD player. After LONG breakin, it was very good, but not great. I then was advised and bought the Nueance Platform to place und... 
Fellow phile Needs Help Bias for Krell.
Contact the service manager at Krell: [email protected] (Steven Leckrone)Richard 
CD/Transport W/ External DAC
I have found that the transport can actually make a bigger difference than the DAC. But, I now have discovered that with the newer technology, the players (without the external DAC) may actually sound better than the separates.Richard 
Active Speakers
Cello made a great pair of "bookshelf" active speakers, but I rarely see them on the used marked; but I have.It will be worth the wait.Richard 
Where to use aftermarket power cords?
I found that I got the LEAST impovement using it with my digital front end.I have had two different digital front ends; a Krell/EAD combo and now a Marantz. The result was the same with both.The rest of my Krell gear; preamp, x-over, and amps, wer...