
Responses from christianb5s4

Preamp vs Av receiver preouts
Another vote for dedicated preamps making a world of difference. Like you, I have a great receiver (Arcam AV40) but adding a Pass XP22 was a game changer. I have it hooked up to the preamp HT bypass, it works great.  
Harman acquires Roon
I tried Roon but found audio quality better using the native Lumin app, so I wonder if there are improvements to be had in that department. I really liked the interface and algorithms.  
Jazz for aficionados
Vintage Wax - Gregor Hilden Organ Trio.   So good.  
New blog post: Living with Focal Speakers
This is a great read. I've always wondered how upgrading crossover components would align with Kanta / Sopra level Focals, not that many would be willing to try but can only imagine the benefits.   
Jazz for aficionados
Gary Smulyan is fantastic, been working through his albums and love it. Discovered thanks to you all!  
How to make the Focal Kanta No. 2 speakers sing?
@ozzy Definitely agree on footers, I tried and am still on Herbies gliders and it made a noticeable improvement in bass and bringing more midrange out.   
How to make the Focal Kanta No. 2 speakers sing?
@pennfootball71 100% agree that the Parasound JC5 is a great match, that's what powers my Kanta 3s. And there's plenty of lowend. Getting speaker placement dialed in with basic room treatment is crucial but that's far from unique to Kantas.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Billy Joel - 52nd Street.  
Sopra No 2's or other alternatives?
@demich Experimenting with speaker positioning is also key, at least with my Kanta 3s (also demoed Sopra 3s side by side before picking Kantas). I'm continually amazed how such small movements in positioning can yield such big results.  
New Speaker advice
@mattsaunders2000 On the AVR point, what you can do is find a dedicated pre-amp that has a HT pass through. That's what I did when I added my Pass Labs XP22 preamp which I pass through the Arcam AVR through.  
Tune of the Day
Lonely Bed - Albert Cummings.  
Tune of the Day
Need Her So Bad - Aynsley Lister  
Upgrading Speakers
@ghdprentice That makes total sense. Fortunately I have a local dealer I've visited in the past that carries the full line, I've always been curious about in thinking about future next steps from the Focals.  
Amp recommendations for KEF R7 speakers
From my experience with my KEF R5s, they greatly benefit from amps that provide good current and power. I matched mine with an Arcam PA240 initially, then Parasound JC5. Both were good but the JC5 was best of the two.  
Upgrading Speakers
@ghdprentice Are there any big jumps in their lines where stepping up yields a bigger result than others?