
Responses from chashmal

Would a political candidate audiophile be skewered
I happen to know of one major behind the scenes neo-con who has a high end tube rig. He might just own it along with other expensive stuff. Maybe he doesn't even listen to it. 
Your Second System
My second system is for movies, as I would never ever have a TV in my sound room. My primary system is SET tube, and my second system is all solid state. I don't mind brightness if I am watching a movie, in fact, some is good to spark up the small... 
What music do you want to play really loud?
Sun Ra: Discipline 27-11 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
What about the Lector? 
The Naim 'sound'
I truly dislike Naim products, especially the amps. They are pleasant enough alright, which is the problem right there. They play it safe by trying to not color sound at all, but instead imbue the gear with 'dynamism' which is just a brightened fl... 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
Albert: it seems at this point that vinyl will outlast the plastic CD disc, other modes of digital not withstanding. 
Help with upgrading speaker cables
With the Bat you might want a little brightening, which might not be bright to the ear. Maybe try a silver cable like the Analysis Plus. I personally really like Reality Cables. I think they sound amazing with SET amps. 
Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
Rebbi: you wont regret it. I have been using it with an all tube rig costing thousands and that little thing for $600 new has held its own. 
Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
Rebbi: buy Chadnliz' phenomena. There is nothing that compares for that money. I will be selling one also, but in about 6 months when I get the cash together for an Art Audio Vinyl reference (tube phono stage). 
Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
I think that trial and error is the only way to get to know tubes. Eventually one is going to blow, and you will replace it. Rolling tubes will change the sound dramatically. With such a nice piece as the Unico it will be easy to find a sound you ... 
Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
Rebbi: the Unison Unico is my absolute favorite small integrated. Roll those tubes and you will be in HaShemiam! 
Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
Reb Audiophile: Aryeh Kaplan translates chashmal as 'speaking silence'. In other words, a totally transparent yet ultimately dynamic soundstage. Ha ha! I wonder with you moniker what type of Chasidut you are into? 
Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
I second the Musical Surroundings Phonomena. Great open warm sound from an ss phono. Better than you would expect! 
Rock Siblings.....
Zak Starkey surpassing Ringo? Was that a joke? 
Company or Solitude?
Bryhifi: you put it in terms we can all relate to. Bravo.