
Responses from bwhite

Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K
The question of making a system sound like "live music" often troubles me - perhaps because I've never heard live music sound all that fantastic - per se. Admittedly, I've never been to a symphony but I have seen live jazz as well other various co... 
Searching for Simon Yorke S7 turntable
Steve Klein at Sounds of Silence is the person to speak with regarding Simon Yorke tables. Log on to the SOS website at: 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Jeff ss & Mike - yep. I used the TMC cables and found them to be "okay" sounding. Of course I was comparing to Audio Note and NBS which wasn't exactly fair. Having tried many cables, I'd have to put the TMC in the same league as most lower end... 
Tenor 75Wp monos & Amati Homage
Tireguy - Very interesting. I do not own the Berning. What I gathered from the user and the website is that the Berning was an OTL.Closer reading of the Berning website shows me this: The ZH270 takes advantage of new technology in order to elimina... 
Tick on 30th anniversary Dark Side
I purchased mine at a local record store and its dead quiet. In fact, its one of the quietest records I've ever listened to.I couldn't even tell the needle hit the vinyl.I don't know if this matters but mine says "Made in Holland" on the back. I p... 
Tenor 75Wp monos & Amati Homage
Andski - I spoke to an audio buddy last night who was using an ARC VT100 to drive his 88db speakers. He recently changed amps to a 70 watt per channel Berning ZH270 and told me that even at a lower power rating, these amps sound MUCH more powerful... 
Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?
[email protected] for some reason your statement, "the mac 602 drives sf's effortlessly..." is pretty funny to me. I mean, the McIntosh 602 is 600 watts per channel. Do you REALLY think they would drive the Guarneri's effortlessly? :) 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Dennis - if your KenRads say VT-231 they are in the middle of the 3 sonic spectrums I've mentioned. In my system I find these to work the best - yes, their sound could be interpreted as "veiled" when compared to other 6SN7's but they deliver a ... 
spend more money on pre or power amp ?
Willems - I have to say you should find the Audiogon thread "Preamp Deal of the Century" and read it. That thread will point you to a fantastic preamp which may transform your system. The base model is the Syrah and it sells for 2.5K new. Older ve... 
LP Heaven
You'll get no arguments from me. Its only been a little more than 6 months since I "saw the light" and like TWL, I no longer bother with digital in my 2 channel system. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Congratulations Dennis! Glad to know you've found a good tube combo for your system! The Syrah quite simply transforms a system into something much more.Regarding the Ken Rads. There are actually 3 different versions, each with unique sonics. I kn... 
Where can I hear Teres
Oh... also, the Redpoint looks better in person. I too thought they were "butt ugly" on the website. The PVC appears to be a light gray color on the website but is actually very dark gray.. About the color of un-tinted Carbon Fiber. Apparently the... 
Where can I hear Teres
Negative? It is clear to me after reviewing the Redpoint website and meeting a Redpoint person that the aim of Redpoint is to take what was learned from the original Teres project and build on that. The marketing - and comparisons they make seem l... 
Where can I hear Teres
TWL - thanks for pointing that out. Also, I agree. Chris is a true gentleman and very informative! Always. My math skills are lousy but I'll give this a try...Assuming the nut which secures the bearing to the base is a hexigon, measuring 1.725 di... 
Where can I hear Teres
Chris, Thanks for the additional information. (It is good to hear both sides regarding this technology) Regarding the bearing housing being 1.5" in diameter. I am a bit confused because the Teres site says, "The Teres bearing mounts via a 1.125" d...