
Responses from agaffer

Theta Dreadnaught 1 vs Classe CAV-180
I demoed the Dreadnaught and Classe amps at the same store using the same speakers several years ago when looking for a amp and choose the Dreadnaught. The Classe sounded to bright and edgy to my ears. I don't know what Classe amp it was, however.... 
TT setup in Orange County, California
I live 45 minutes from Brooks and he has set up several TTs for me, as well as cartridge adjustments. Don't worry about transporting it after he is finished, unless you are in a accident on the way home, nothing is going to change. 
Various approach to bass trapping
I have a square room with a peak ceiling and struggled with bass issues. If I walked to the corners it was boomy and at the sitting position there was almost no bass.I bought 16 Real Traps and placed them every place there was a wall to wall corne... 
SACD versus Vinyl LPs
There is another aspect of vinyl that is seldom mentioned in threads like these, although all the digital formats are more care free, portable, can be played while in the car/jogging/etc........vinyl is just plain more fun. The size is more fun to... 
Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums
Some great titles here, all the ones I would mention have already been listed except:The Flaming Lips, "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" 
Von Schweikert VR4-Jr: Urgent Opinions Needed
Instead of buying a Vandtersteen wantabe, why not buy the real thing? There is a reason that Von Schweikert speakers are sold out of garages instead of dealers. 
Spoiled by multichannel????
Spoiled? You mean as in no imaging because of the use of the center channel which flattens the space out, or do you mean unmusical over the top bass because of the use of the .1 channel?Every multichannel set up I have heard (including the "state ... 
Vandersteen's, optimum placement, room limitations
I have owned 2 sets of 3As and feel that your room is way to small for them. Try listening to the 2ce's and see if you like them instead. 
Do all sunfire subs hum and pop?
My first HT I had two sunfire subs and they both hummed and popped. Then I went to RELs, no problem. A few years later I bought two more sunfire subs, more hums and pops. Took them back and got Paradigm, no hums or pops. So, I think it is a design... 
Best AV Processor for 2 channel
"Is there any processor that will come close to the sound of a Kontrol or other high end 2 channel preamps for stereo listening?"No. None of the computers that are the heart of a HT av processor sound as good as even a modest preamp, let alone a h... 
DIY Isolation Platform
What are SS couplers? 
Vandersteen 5a. How refined a product are they
"the 5A's (and the 3A Signatures as well) do not tend to "grab you by the throat" the way some speaker designs do"Which is part of the reason they are such great speakers. Overly bright speakers grab you at the store but, fail to satisfy after you... 
How do you know if a cable is neutral?
I think Bigtree's answer covers every peice of audio equipment. I crack up every time a reveiwer uses that term. 
7.1 vs 5.1
I went from a 5.1 to a 8.1 system with 3 subs. It was a Theta/Vandersteen setup. All the speakers were carefully set up and positioned. It was really a waste of money. Added nothing to the original 5.1 setup. Maybe my room was just to small (30x22... 
What do you NEVER want to hear again???
Anything by Diana Krall