Doug Henning disappearing act

I've been receiving quite a few offers on gear I'm selling, only to have the would-be buyers disappear when I agree to their terms, and within 5 minutes of receiving their offers! Based upon my discussions with other sellers, this is not uncommon. Please consider whether or not you are willing to commit to the purchase PRIOR to making an offer. The integrity of this community depends upon it. Thank you.
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Is all of this happening while going through AudiogoNs new selling process? These people should be held accountable!
Is all of this happening while going through AudiogoNs new selling process?
In my case, yes.

Savoir Faire is everywhere........poof!
Yes...with over 200 transactions of my own..I have had my share of Savoir Faire! The most recent was a guy who emailed me to buy my phono stage with his offer that " I will buy it! I am serious and will not back out of the deal..You can count on me"...when I read that nonsense..I know whats coming next...and of course it did 5 mins later. But instead of telling me that he couldn't afford it, or his wife said NO..he tells me that he actually already had the same pre amp and just wanted to see what my best price would be, so that he would know what to ask when he sold his!!UNBELIEVABLE!!