Substitute for Waveterminal U24

About a week ago I ordered a Waveterminal U24 to use in converting a USB signal from my computer to a sp/dif signal that I could feed into my Musical Fidelity Trivista DAC. I got a note back today from the company that I ordered from saying that the model had been discontinued. I've done some checking around on the internet and that appears to be true.

Does anyone know of a comparable external device that will do a good job of converting USB to (RCA coax) sp/dif?

Still don't have my Trivista back from repair, so I am unable to use the Hagerman. I'll post something as soon as I have the Trivista back.
Thanks Steev_n,

I may go ahead an order a built Hagerman. I can't find my Waveterminal.

I can't wait to see your review. What made you think the Hagerman was similar to the wave-terminal? Can you connect the USB to Any computer port or does it need to come out of the Audio card. Did you try the professional audio Cards out to your Dac ?