Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@audiolybaryinth. I waiting for my e.a.r 868 to arrive. My friend brought his to my house today and we ahead against a cary slp05 that was loaned to me by my dealer. The ear 868 beat it hands down. The cary is a good pre amp but I can't wait until my brand new ear 868 arrives. I have found my pre amp for at least the next 5 years if not longer.
@ pops, have you been busy at work?, overload of orders going?, what have you been up to?
I am still waiting. However. My friend who has one loaned it to me till tomorrow. I been listening to it for the last two days. I am as happy as I ever been. That thing is the truth. I hate to give the ear 868 back tomorrow. I had one ct1 and one tara lab 2 ex ironically. It sounded great. The e.a.r 868 is pretty damn good. I changed interconnects to other stuff. It sounded different but still good. I have heard great systems the last two weekends but for what I am paying for the system I have. I am happy. I also tired of changing equipment. I want to spend my time listening. I also got my rel 528 today. The rel is musical. It added a musically tight bass to my viennas. The guys who help me evaluate my system don't like subs but in the two high end systems I heard the last two weekends. One had a huge sub and the other had a separately powered driver in the yg acoustic speaker. I like subs so the rel was perfect for the viennas. I'm pretty much done. I have a ear 868 on the way. I have a classe ca 2200. I have the parasound cd1. I have some high fidelity cables and some tara labs. I have some Clarus and tributaries cables as well. I can mix and match and tube roll my ear 868 if I want a different sound. For my listening room anything else is overkill. I think I'm done once my ear arrives. I'm gonna find the right dac and call it a day. I'm really happy with my sound. Can I get better? But at what price? And how long? I want to get my stuff and listen to my tunes. Stop blowing my retirement and actually listen to my tunes. Lol. A great high end system in a great listening room with great cables is great. I'm going to allow myself to be satisfied for once and call it a day. I really liked the set ups I heard with high fidelity cables and raven electronics. I also liked the MIT set up with dartzeel electronics and yg acoustics speakers. Both guys had perfect listening rooms and the set up was amazing. Maybe I get there one day. But for now I'm going to sit back and enjoy what I can at this level.