Dedicated power....

I have 15 amp dedicated lines going to my amps.Does it make sense to change them to 20amp service.How many audiophile components really use 20 amps?Also does getting a higher grade recepticle,like hubble 'levitron' or ps audio outlets'etc. really matter?This power debate really has me confused.
And to add to what Forrestc writes:

If you're going more than 15 or 20 feet from your panel, go up another wire size to make up for voltage over the distance.

20A = 10ga.
15A = 12ga.
Sorry, the sentance should read "to make up for the voltage LOSS over the distance"
For changing the outlets, all you need to do is unscrew the receptacle from the electrical box, and then unscrew the wires from the receptacle. As the wires are stiff, you should have a pair of pliers to bend the tip of the wire to replace it around the screws of the new receptacle. Make sure that the individual wires in the Romex (a black hot wire, a white neutral wire and a bare ground wire)are attached to the correct screw in the receptacle. (When you remove the old receptacle, note which wire is connected to which screw.) It takes all of five minutes.

And for God's sake, make sure the power is off!

And when you check that the power is off, check BOTH plug outlets in the receptacle. You could have a split duplex receptacle. In other words, each plug outlet could be powered separately with its own wire. You need to turn off two breakers for a split duplex.