Hi-End for Black Metal?


I am 33 and come from Russia. My passion is heavy music, namely Black Metal. I find it fascinating. I feel like a hermit because those friends of mine which are audiophiles do not like black metal. And those friends which like black metal (actually, play it even in bands!) couldn't care less about high quality audio gear.

Are there any people like me who own hi-fi/hi-end equipment to listen to heavy metal genres?
Everybody loves ACDC - well maybe in moderation - but it is damn near impossible not to like the rockers from downunder - if that is what you mean?

What is "Black Metal"? Can you give some examples? There are plenty of Porcupine Tree and Metallica fans here. I went to see Paparoach, Motley Crue and a few other headbangers recently...but I would not call myself a heavy metal fan.

The bands you mention are found in the 'easy listening' section of the music store.
A lot of the black metal groups have names that are unpronounceable Such as;
Den Saakaldte,
Sorg Innkallelse

Lots of Black Metal bands from Scandinavian Countries.

Cradle of filth...............yer mother would not like it.
Death Metal maybe far to radical for most of the music lovers here (I would imagine).

Try this as a sample, only 9.06 seconds long. Can you
last the duration?.....lol
"Everybody loves ACDC"..."But it is damn near impossible to not like the rockers from downunder".The only thing entertainjng about this band is the schoolboy outfit.That's hilarious in a Benny Hill sort of way.

It was 9:06 minutes long. And no, I could not last the duration. I tried twice. Just couldn't do it.....


I have to go with Shadorne about AC/DC, Casey33.

For rockers, I think that they're one of the best, even the radio DJ's were questioning why it took so long for then to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame.

For musicians, when you really sit down and listen to the way Malcolm and Angus play off of each other, they're even more incredible.

Now that I'm 55, I've mellowed and listen to their older brother, George, a whole lot more than I do them. Is everyone familiar with George's group: "Flash and the Pan"?

Ironmine, I apologize and hope I don't take your thread down the wrong path. Type O Negative is about as hard as I ever went.