dissapointing audiophile recording

Just curious what is your most dissapointing audiophile recording that you have heard, and not from a sonic stand point but a musical one.
Mine is at the moment a Kenny Rankin chesky cd recording " because of you" that I picked up at a Goodwill for a buck. I find it vocally and its musical presentation very milk toast and bland at best,almost like listening to bad Kenny G not that I believe there is any good Kenny G.
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I have to agree with you Elizabeth with many of the so called Jazz recordings on Audiophile lables. Just back to the Kenny Rankin Chesky cd listen to him sing "I could write a book" or "Alway" he has no idea what the words mean or even how to a fraise a sentence, or how to caress a lyric.Then you listen to a singer like Arthur Prysock and now you can hear what a brillent singer can do. I would rather many audiophile record companys looking for new talent on the NYC subway platform during rush hour.
Hello, yes, that is correct Elizabeth.
I grade my LPs on four different factors;
1) studio/production, includes engineer and musicians,room, recording technique etc
2) pressing, includes vinyl and the pressing
3 condition, ie groove wear and physical condition
4) music, if you ain't got da groove, you aint got da move. This, though, is the most open for interpetation. Though never any Montovani, Readers Digest "light classical recordings" or Kenny G as these are always out.
A seperate category for "anomilies" such as pre echo, good bass, drums, vocal recording, piano etc; whatever that is found on recordings that can make it of interest to hear on other systems or as your system evolves.

Any LP that is seriously lacking in any of these areas, the LP is worthless.
Readers Digest "light classical recordings I would not say that these are bad recordings , first they were not made for the attention of being audiophile recordings at all. Most were made to give many people just the taste of the classics and depending on your taste go out and take a larger bite. Many were conducted by Arthur Fiedler who I consider an exceptional showman and musician. But many of the new musicians that are paned off as new talent is just well like Antonio Salieri said in Amadeus "mediocrity everywhere"
The only one I have is a Chesky Audiophile Gold cd "New York Reunion." It's well recorded but seems somehow lacking in emotional involvement. I had high hopes for it before purchase. At least it cost little or nothing.