Unique Guitarist Andy Mckee Found on YouTube

Thanks for sharing - I checked out several of their videos - not sure which CD to buy first! His label candyrat.com also has Alan Holdsworth, Michael Manring, Eric Johnson...(I never heard of the label until justnow - good marketing via youtube...)
Antoine Dufour is a tour-du-force as well. He must have some classical training, because he hits the notes dead-on... very crisp, clean and efficient. He's also quite good with musical composition as well. I like his funky grooves.

Running through some of the old Michael Hedges videos renewed my awe in him. Man what a guitar player... one of the best to ever live.
Yeah thats Hedge's style but lacks the aggression Hedges had on every song. Michael Hedges: one of a kind.
Glad my post prompted some discussion.

I'm always interested in learning about new (to me) artists/styles. While I had heard of Michael Hedges' name, I had never heard his material; but in addition to Mckee and Manning, will check his offerings. Any recommendations on which album to begin with? My preference is vinyl, but CD’s are obviously ok too.

After a cursory check, there doesn't appear to be any DVD offerings for Hedges, Manring, Mckee, etc. Might I have missed something?