Need advice - EL34 switchable Ultralinear/SEP

Anyone can recommend a switchable Ultralinear / SEP (or SET) mode, preferably EL34 output type power amp.

I plan to have this amp mated with a passive preamp (Lightspeed Attenuator) or Conrad Johnson PV-10 and speakers between Magnepan 1.7 (for Ultralinear mode) and Zu Omen Standard (SEP or SET mode).

Not sure how much power is needed for Magggie 1.7, but I would imagine that in the north of 35W in ultralinear mode would be needed. Another concern is 5 ohm impedance make me think if there is such amp out there.

Price range - up to $3000 used/new
The best sounding amp that I know which also happens to be incredibly flexible is the Cary SA-280 V12. It will run 100 watts per channel in ultralinear then go in 1/3 increments on-the-fly into triode mode down to 50 watts per channel. Sounds awesome with EL-34's but will also run 6550's/KT-88's and more. I love mine. Great value on used market when you can find one... under your price point too. It tends to run hot but it's very well made and should be a good match with the Maggies (it has both 8 and 4 ohm spkr taps and is very stable, well behaved, and even easy to bias! An additional plus is how cool all TWELVE power tubes look glowing in their "runway" configuration. Good luck, it's worth seeking out. Happy Lissn'n.
The Music Reference RM-10 MK2 is in your price range, and sounds great with the Lightspeed Attenuator.

35wpc, EL-84 based, push pull.
Wilsysnet - If I recall correctly one of the Agoner also mate Music Reference (RM-9 I think) with Lightspeed Attenuator with great result on his high sensitivity speakers. He passed away a few years back.
Do you already own the Maggies? I had 1.6's for a few years before going to
low powered tube amps and high efficiency speakers. I would buy the best
pair you can afford such as Zu, Audiokinesis, Sonist, Vaughn, Coincident etc.
I use Electra Fidelity SEP el-34 amp with the Lightspeed and Vaughn Cabernet
speakers. Talk to Tony at Electra Fidelity(Clio09 here on Gon). He is honest and
a wealth of knowledge and experience. I have listened to his Atma-Sphere S30
and Music Reference RM-10 which are also great amps. Good luck.
A couple of people mentioned the Cary V12. That really is a great amp. Another amp that is worth mentioning is the Quicksilver V4 mono's. They're very powerful and sound incredible.