home theater processor suggestions?

This is what i am looking for a processor that has /does the following:
1. has hdmi1.3 or better
2. xlr connections
3. room correction
4. be able to process most of the upper formats.
5. 7 channel.

i have no need for analog input or out puts. i run hdmi in and out. i just need one of each.

i run a anthem statement p5 amp

i know about the anthem mva 50v and the statement d2v...

thank you for your suggestions
Thanks for the suggestion but i was looking for the balanced outs and the anthem p5 has true balanced inputs.

thank you for the suggestion though,
Really, check out the Marantz AV7005. Read the reviews. Check with a local dealer. See if you can take one home to audition. The products in the Marantz line that use their HDAM modules are price/performance overachievers.

Oh, and the AV7005 has balanced outputs and all the lossless surround decoding schemes your 2003 AV receiver does not.