Can any preamps for $2-3k touch Auregies-L?

I made a mistake and recently sold my Shindo Auregie-L out of frustration while dealing with room issues. Long story short, I've got some treatments in place and a new amplifier (Decware Torii 3) and things are sounding good, but--I suspect my Shindo could bring more to the table.

I prioritize tonal beauty and emotion over absolute linearity and resolution. I also tend to be a sucker for texture, harmonic density and micro/macro dynamics.

I suspect I'd be best off waiting for a Shindo to come up used, but I am open to alternatives.
Has anyone heard the Primaluna 6 and 7 monoblocks, and how would they rate them in comparison to other amps in the 3K range.
You are likely to get a lot more relevant responses to the Primaluna amplifier question in a new thread, the subject line would not lead people to you, especially Primaluna amplifier owners.
a used TRL Dude should be in the higher end of that price range and i found it better than the Auregies-L.
very random inquiry, indeed... though ironically I am looking at the PL Dialoge 3 auction.