I am new to this trade so bare with me if I ask dum questions.
I have a AUDIO RESEARCH D-76A power amp that I been using for few months now. as you probably know this amp has the most tubes than any other tube amp that I can remember. the middle of the amp are four 12AX7. I notice that one of the 12AX7 [middle top] are not lighting up nor hot. so I had all the sockets replace but still no light nor hot. I was told that its normal. how could it be? will this de-grade my sound? please enlighten me. I will appreciate any advice. thanks
Hey Lew, on 4/3/11, Torogi says that the amp has tsouris in the right channel. It seems like Torogi may have bought a refurshing.
I tried turning off the light to see if its lighting up and I also tried touching the tube with my bear hand after two hours of the amp being turned on. I know I'm not suppose do that but I can't stand the fact one of the tube is not working. right now I cant barely hear the right channel so I stop using it. I entent to keep this amp for a long time so I will fix it or have it fix regardless.
I dont know why? may because the first time I use it with my vintage JBL it sounds warm and sweet. before I had that problem. by the way I live in west coast of British Columbia. Vancouver BC. how far are you from BC HIFIGEEK1?
Bifwynne your amp is totally different then the D-76A. I would have to look at the D-76A to see if it's been 'messed' with before I can quote. Also the unit needs to be repaired before anything else can be done to it.
Hi guys, I decided to open up the ARC underneath the transformer and power caps only to found out that there are two 2x 400volts 200uf robycon caps that are added.I assume that the original mallory caps are half dead. this is more problematic than I anticipated. I think I will focus on this one first. do you think it has something to do with the tubes? I took some pictures If you guys are interested I can send some.thanks