Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

Charles, don't toot the horn quite yet, as the RPs have not stepped in the ring.
This match may be like Ali vs Frazier all over again!
While i have only compared the TJMesh against Takatsuki on my Wavac Ec300b, the difference is night and day. What makes the Takatsukis such a treat is the completeness of harmonic overtones combined with stunning impulse and decay. While my EATs have the slam, they don't have the Takatsuki's harmonics nor the decay. The TJs are fun on rock but ultimately too loose to be in contention. Can I also suggest that any comparisons are done with proper tube dampers, since the ringing characteristics differ with again the TJs being most affected
Hi Antigrunge,
What improvements do you hear with the dsmpers and which ones do you use? I know Herbie Audio Labs makes some.
Hi Charles,
I don't think many people would get me thinking about swapping out the BT from the Franks but your comments on the Takatsuki's have.
Quick question. Could you go back to the BT and be happy?
1450 is a lot more then the BT's. Right now I'm happy.

I use duende criatura on both rectifiers and output tubes. Other than reduced ringing benefits include a significantly tightened bass as well as increased air around individual instruments in a deepened soundstage. Well worth it.