In search of the right SS integrated amp

My audiophile friend Greg brought over new Accuphase pre and power amps, successfully demonstrated that my GamuT D3 / D200 Mark III (which have served well) are no longer state of the art. But in my high-rise apartment I’m spatially challenged; what I’d really like is a top quality integrated, 2 channel, solid state (tubes/valves are intimidating), with at least 2 pairs balanced (XLR) inputs (for phono stage, CDP). Nowadays, happily, such exist. Here are some I’ve read about:

TOP TIER (no obvious drawbacks)
-- Boulder 865 – generally admired, beautiful square wave (how often do I listen to square waves?)
-- Chord CPM 3350 – heard Chord system once, much impressed; M. Fremer critical, but of older model
-- Pass Labs INT-150 – right features; high praise, low price; can it really sound as good as the others?

SECOND TIER (sound reportedly all right, but with superfluous features like tone controls)
-- Accuphase E550 – should sound about as good as Greg’s two boxes
-- Burmester 032 – gorgeous cosmetics, but more expensive than others; maybe not worth it?

THIRD TIER (technically proficient, but found emotionally lacking by reviewers)
-- GamuT Si 100 – descendant of my present amplifiers
-- Jeff Rowland Continuum 500 – reviewer may have used unsuitable speakers

Grateful for any comparisons, comments, recommendations.
Hooper knows what he's talking about. I have owned my CODA CSi for about 2 years now, and it lacks for nothing in any department. Search this product and see my previous comments. If you are interested, Call Doug Dale at the factory and start a dialog directly with him. He is one of the design engineers and is a straight shooter.

CODA's latest version of the CSi does indeed have balanced inputs. A phone call to the CODA factory will be an inexpensive way to answer your technical questions in the most direct way possible. Sonically, this unit is very, very impressive.
i am not sure, but the best integrated i have heard so far would be a musical fidelity a5.5.

i am not sure how it would stack up against some of the ones mentioned in this thread, which are obviously a great deal more expensive.

good luck in your search!
In response to Xmetal: the preamp is a C-245, the power amp a P-370. I see these have been in the Accuphase Product Museum for some time; no wonder Greg would like to see them go. But they do offer fine sound. It makes me wonder: doffing my hair-shirt audio principles (just for a moment, while no-one's looking), there might be something to be said for a loudness-contour adjustment, and certainly for two sets of speaker outputs (very convenient, as my speakers expect bi-wiring). The Accuphase and the Luxman models have a lot in common, and both have received good reports; can anyone assess their sound quality comparatively?

In response to Rtilden: I've sent off an e-mail inquiry to the Coda information address. I'll post what I find out.

In response to Johnzm: I'll look into it. Thanks, to you and to all who've posted. It's enlightening.
