stereo for someone special

I'm thinking of putting together a stereo for my mom and am curious if anyone else has attempted this. It would be awesome if I could pair non power hungry floor standing speakers with a tube integrated where the source would be the dvd/cd player.
I am sorry.
for whatever reason the links do not work but here are the pics from that event.
I am sure you can guess what I had in mind.
The Linn classic might be a nice all in one solution.
The Arcam Solo is another good choice.
I agree with the all in one options with a small pair of speakers. Perhaps a Peachtree Decco or Nova with a pair of Usher s-520's, colour matched to her decor.
Does she want this? Or is she like my mother and Classic95's mother? Not interested.
Are we so obsessive as to believe that everyone wants what we want? Isn't it possible that some people could care less about stereo equipment?

And you are actually thinking about a tube amp no less.

Maybe she'll get you a sewing machine in return.