Jeff Rowland Pre with Pass Labs X350.5 or X600.5

I am keen to know how well does Jeff Rowland Preamps like the Synergy IIi or the Coherence work with Pass X350.5 or X600.5 amps?

Any inputs will be most appreciated.

Coherence II appears to have an output impedance of 50Ohms. See:
On the same page above, you will find Synergy II appears to have an output impedance 40Ohms unbalanced and 80Ohm balanced.
If input impedance of Pass amps ranges from 20KOhms to 30Kohms, compatibility with Coherence II and Synergy II is all but assured. G.
Thanks for all your posts.

Can someone tell me whether the Synergy 2i or the Coherence 2 with separate Rec outputs can be used as a tape loop for using a signal processor.
The spec sheet for the Criterion shows 40 ohm input impedance, Balanced and Unbalanced and Output is 60 ohms Balanced and Unbalanced. The Capri Input is 48 ohms Balanced and Unbalanced while output is 80 ohms Balanced and 40 ohms Unbalanced.

Those impedances are reasonably close to the Pass. I can understand why a recording engineer would be concerned with Unity Gain and exact impendance matching, but for audiophile products I believe that we just need to be in the same range. Correct me if I'm wrong. These levels are so close that it's a matter of turning volume to 75.7 vs. 73, or some similar small difference.

05-25-08: Arupg asked:

"Can someone tell me whether the Synergy 2i or the Coherence 2 with separate Rec outputs can be used as a tape loop for using a signal processor."

See for details about Rowland "classic" pre-amps.

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