Need help with upgrade path

I'm using a BAT VK-300x integrated with vr4jr speakers and need your advice on an upgrade path to balanced separates. I can try different amps while still using the pre-amp section of the integrated but I'm not sure it is up to the job. As it is now I can't audition a preamp so I plan on upgrading this later.

I'm looking for an amp with better bass control and more oomph while still being nimble and detailed on a budget of 3k to 5k. Some of the amps I'm considering: BAT VK-250 or VK-500, Parasound JC-1's, Ayre V-5xe or Spectron M III.

I appreciate your helpful insights in this quest.
Parasound JC1 s I have listened to extensively; they are great amps. Quality coupled to high current delivery capability will wake that bass up.

more ooomph

Have you considered active speakers. At 5K just for just a power amp you are pretty may not be aware of it but about half your power is lost in the passive crossovers... IMD issues aswell. If you want clean and loud then active is an option you might consider at this price point. Just a could biamp those fine speakers too.
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Have you considered selling your VK-300X, putting that money with what you have now and buying a Karan KA I-180 integrated? It is balanced and has one balanced input. If you want more "ooomph" and everything else, the Karan will take control of your speakers and you will simply be amazed at what you hear!
