iPod directly into amp

What is the ebst way to create an operational system within my limited budget ($600). I own Sonus Faber Grand Pianos and an ipod. Nothing else.

This is going to sound horrible, but I am considering buying a used power amp and pluggin my iPod directly into it? I'm not sure how else I'm going to be able to afford suffient wattage to drive the SFs.

Here are my quesions:
1. What technical and safety considerations exist?
2. Is there another option?
3. What reccos do you have for an amp in this price range in the event this is feasible?

Here's the reason I ask.
Just a thought: why not sell the speakers and buy powered monitors? For a while I had my ipod running through powered monitors and the sound was decent.
i will go back to my original statement that the headphone out jack will power most amps quite well.. but maybe not to full volume and the sound will surprise you. I don't think the output of the iPod is much diferent then the headphone out on my iBook or mac mini. Plus... i just found out I have no problems hearing that "Silent" ring tone that teenagers download to their phones, and I am 44. So I must have pretty good ears.
Thanks for all the feedback. I've noticed that some of the McIntosh amps have imput sensitivity adjustments in the form of a switch (0.75V/2.5V) in the back and an input gain knob in the front to further adjust the sentitivity.

Does this provide any additional options? For example, could I connect the ipod line-in to the amp and then use the gain knobs as volume knobs?