Moscode 401HR's Sonic Character

I am curious about this hybrid amp. I very briefly saw it at the HE show in NYC, last year. I just read the (overall favorable) review that was just released in TAS.

I am looking to hear from those who own this amp, or have taken advantage of Moscode's generous in-home audition.

How would you describe this amp's sound?
Does it sound like a tube amp?
Does it sound like a solid state amp?
Does it sound like the best of both worlds...warm "tube" richness, with solid state authority & slam?

Any insight would be appreciated.

I am a fan of all the moscode amps 300,600, 401hr. See my sytem post "SPeed Freak". No it is not the "best of solid state and tubes". It is more tube like. Who cares? It is an excellent amp the will drive almost any load.
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