Sloped baffle

Some great speakers have it, some don't. Is it an important feature?
Bombaywalla, yes, your post is responsive and I get it. I still wonder out loud whether speaker inductance as a function of frequency response in fact remains constant within the speaker's pass band. Indeed ... even if speaker inductance remains constant as a function of frequency, wouldn't that also impact phase coherency?

I gather from your prior posts that the answer is "no" as long as inductance doesn't change. Then there will be no impact on phase coherency. Instead, phase coherency is effected only when there is a change in X-over reactance, albeit whether it is capacitive or inductive.

Al ... if you're catching any of this, please chime in. I think this is an important issue. Put it to you this way, my sense is that even if proponents and opponents of the importance (or not) of phase coherence want to argue yay or nay on the issue, it seems to me that phase shifting can't be good factor ... at best neutral.

Bombaywalla, sounds_real_audio didn't ask if the were on a sloped front or a flat front, He simply asked, If they leave the source at the same time, would they end up at the listener at the same time...
I believe his real question is "do all frequencies move at the same speed"
I'm sorry if I mis understood the question, but as it was proposed, the answer is Yes.... I'm not try to start an argument, only to head off confusion.
"I still wonder out loud whether speaker inductance as a function of frequency response in fact remains constant within the speaker's pass band. Indeed ... even if speaker inductance remains constant as a function of frequency, wouldn't that also impact phase coherency?"
Speaker inductance is one of the main factors that we measure to build a impedance/phase correction circuitry. The more that impedance and phase can be controlled, the easier it is on amplifiers (especially tubed).. Tubes can handle inductive loads reasonably well, but crap on themselves trying to drive capacitive loads.
Here is a thread where Al does a good job of explaining it...
Hi Timlub,
Ok, no problem.
I believe his real question is "do all frequencies move at the same speed"
yes, all freq travel at the same speed. But the answer to his question is still "No, they do not arrive at the listener's ear at the same time". I tried to explain that in my post - looks like you missed it? I'll cut & paste here again for your convenience:
" the acoustical center of the 18KHz driver would be in front of the acoustical center of the 30Hz driver. Due to this, the 18KHz signal would get a head-start & would reach your ear 1st."
if you do nothing to compensate for the fact that the acoustical centers of the 2 drivers are different, the highs arrive earlier.
hope that this clarifies.
07-07-14: Bifwynne
.....I still wonder out loud whether speaker inductance as a function of frequency response in fact remains constant within the speaker's pass band. Indeed ... even if speaker inductance remains constant as a function of frequency, wouldn't that also impact phase coherency?
Bifwynne, here is some more material for you to read that will address the phase coherency question you had yesterday (7/6/14):
this is an article that Roy J wrote for Audio Ideas Guide back in 1997. A small cut & paste from this article:

"The causes of phase distortion

Time delay is the natural consequence of making something vibrate, whether it's electric fields or material objects. In speakers, only three things can cause time delays:

◾The moving elements (the drivers -- woofers, midranges, tweeters);

◾Their distances through the air to the listener; and

◾The crossover circuit.

Let's go over the cause of motion-based time delays first. Different drivers (round, square, flat) have an inherent amount of phase shift, related only to each one's natural resonant frequency. One analogy is a weight hanging from a spring. If you move the other end of the spring up and down very slowly, the spring does not stretch and the weight follows your motion exactly. The phase shift between your applied force and the weight's motion is zero. The moving system is in a 'minimum-phase' mode. If you move more rapidly, the spring starts to stretch and contract -- and the weight no longer follows your driving force. It moves with a different phase.

there's a lot more to read but I believe that you should read the section "The Causes of Phase Distortion" to answer your question....
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