

It's time to move up in my system. I'd appreciate some amp recommendations, as I haven't heard too many amps, and have little knowledge of some of the nuances involved in making a decision. Field testing amps is also difficult where I live.

My system is Magnepan 3.7 speakers; (2) Vandersteen 2wq subwoofers; Mojo Audio Mac Mini feeding a PS Audio Directstream DAC, straight to amp. No preamp. (Transparent ICs, Shunyata Triton, Anaconda PCs, DH Labs and Silnote SCs.) The current amp is a very fast and very powerful Class-D switching amp with tons of headroom.

The system is noiseless, clean, precise, detailed, neutral. The soundstage is huge, holographic, and immersive. Live recordings are the bomb. Sometimes it seems a bit sharp or harsh, but that's often the recording or the room. Overall, soft and sensuous, it ain't, but I can hear every note and breath.

I've heard some denigrate a different switching amp -- "I can hear the switching." This from a tube guy. I'd prefer not to get into any Class-X wars.

A local dealer is suggesting I look at Bryston, a classic match for Maggies, I'm sure, but he also suggests that the Bryston can be somewhat two-dimensional. His solution is a Levinson 532H, which he holds as more three-dimensional than Bryston.

Or, he has a demo Acoustic Research Ref150. Somehow, I doubt I'd like to go with tubes, due to the sonics, the expense, and the 'hassle' of dealing with tubes.

All of the prices mentioned are more than I'd like to spend, but I've gotta deal with that part of it.

So, I'd love to hear recommendations.

And... how does one audition amps when they live in an area of so few B&M audio stores?

Hi Norm, Rhansen's speakers are the Maggie 3.7. I believe their efficiency being 83 or 84dB.

The Maggie's are 86db and tend to 4 ohms.

No matter. A decision has been made. It does not involve the H-cat, for any of a number of reasons.
Well, the next of kin have been notified...

The winner is: Rowland Continuum S2 integrated.

The Merrill VERITAS held off all comers up to the last. They were the amps to beat.

Favoring the Rowland is a one-box solution, input versatility, company reputation, build quality, and, of course, sound over everything. The notes come from Mordor, a place of utter blackness. Considering my rather highly-resolving system, it was nice to hear a balanced, rounded, darker, almost tube-like sound versus the extreme, seizure inducing detail I've become accustomed to. Soundstage is immense. Bass is like I've never heard in my room before. As I've heard said lately, "It's easier to listen to without listening."

The Veritas' were certainly no slouch. Merrill himself is great to work with, and he has some high-performing amps to offer. I've always sorta wanted monoblocks, and they look great in the room, offering up fine sound against a noiseless background. Matt from the 'Absolute Top-Tiered DAC' thread said that he had to buy hyper-expensive Burmester amps to better the Veritas, and I don't doubt that at all. I would certainly recommend Veritas quite highly.

And Guido... Guido is a gift to the audiophile community. He helped me to navigate strange waters to lead me to the best solution. Thanks so much, Guido!