Replacing Vandy 2CEs w/ Monitors--Can It Be Done?

An impending move may force me to replace my much beloved Vandersteen 2CEs with smaller monitors. I really like the Vandy's rich, full-bodied sound and excellent imaging. I know that most monitors are also excellent at imaging, but the few that I have heard (B&W, ProAc, Triangle), while detailed, sounded a bit thin or delicate, lifeless even. I suppose this is a matter of bass (or lack thereof).

So is there a monitor that will give me most of what I like about the 2CEs? And to add to the problem, these monitors would need to be placed close to the back wall and cost less than 800$ used.

Room size is roughly 9x14. Speakers on short wall. Assoc. gear: audible illusions 2d pre, mccormack dna .5, rega p25 w/ dynavector 10x5, philips dvd 963sa. Musical tastes: country blues, lots of pop, a smattering of jazz and classical.

Thanks in advance.
Can you add a powered sub? How about Vandersteen 1C and sub?

Maybe Dynaudio Contour 1.1 can fit within your budget, but still not as much bass you used to have.
If you can use 15-18 inches out from your short wall, consider Platinum Audio Solo's. The rear ports worked fine, even at this close range. Used prices on Audiogon running less than $800, including matching custom speaker stands. Can use any strong stand for your application, if matching stands not available. Without custom stands, about $625.
In your modestly sized room, there will be surprisingly deep, pitch accurate, bass. The rest of the sound will be full bodied, three dimensional, musical, and alive. Never dry or analytical in the "thin" way you described.
This speaker has the best quality bass I have heard from a low priced, monitor size design.

you might want to consider the green mountain europa. like the 2ce's, the europa's use a first order crossover, and the drivers are time and phase aligned. the europa uses excellent quality parts, and has a very full bodied sound. i don't think anyone who has heard them would characterize them as sounding like "monitors." they should also fit right around your budget.

i have owned both speakers (currently have the 2ce's), and i must say, they are the best bang-for-the-buck speakers i have ever heard. right now, i am really pleased with the vandies because, as you say, they have such a musical, full-bodied, nearly full-range sound. it's convenient to have a floorstanding speaker that images like a monitor, yet has usable deep bass response, all in one package. however, the europa's had a lot of the same magic, and had respectable bass for a non-floorstander. sounds like it might be just what you are looking for.

best of luck, and happy listening.
