Speaker upgrade itch Opinions 2500$used

Hello all and happy new year!!!

Like you all I have the upgrade itch and have decided that the speakers are what I want to change out next.

1. My goal is the most holographic soundstage and best imaging I can afford at this price range
2. I have no preference between bookshelf and tower speakers
3. I have no bass requirements as I currently live in an apartment and wouldn't want the bass to annoy the neighbors anyway!
4. Resale value is important, so very rare brands are out
5. My next speaker upgrade probably wont be for 2-5 years
6. Appearence isn't important, although I'd like to keep a reasonable footprint for the speakers
7. This is for a 2 channel only system

Currently the only speakers on my list to audition are Audio Physics Virgo IIs so all other suggestions are appreciated!

Some info about my tastes:

My current system:
Tyler Reference Monitors
Rogue Audio Magnum 66/88 (pre/amp)
CAL CL15 (cdp)
Transparent Audio MusicLink Plus Interconnects
PS Labs Lab2 powercord on cdp
Harmonic Tech ProAC-11 powercord on amp
(no special room treatments)

Current room is 14x18, but will be moving again in 7 months, so who knows what next (so not shopping for room specific speakers!)

The cd's I've been playing a lot of lately:
Cyndi Lauper - At Last
Patricia Barber - Cafe Blue
Cowboy Junkies - Trinity Sessions
Paul Simon - Graceland
Peter, Paul & Mary - 1st LP
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Steely Dan - 2 Against Nature
Laureena McKennit - The Visit
Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac and Rumors
Personally, I think the weakest link in your system is your preamp. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Rogue gear, and own the 88 amp myself. But I was not much impressed with the 66 preamp.

If you like the tube warmth, I would recommend trying an Audible Illusions preamp with your setup. If you want something more toneally neutral with PRAT, can't go wrong with a BAT VK-30 (I can say from personal experience that Rogue 88 and BAT VK-30 are a great synergistic match).

Used, either preamp should be well within your budget for cable experiments =).
S23, I'm running signalCable biwire shotgun speaker cable at this time.

Thanks for all the opinions!
To be honest everyone I haven't heard enough sound improvement in upgrading electronics/cables to justify going that route any longer.

Rather than try to milk the final 3% potential out of my Tylers I would much rather take the leap with a higher quality speaker.
The reason being that I hear little difference in running my rogue 66/88 + CAL CL15 vs my Denon 1801 receiver and Pioneer dvd player (which cost roughly 1/15 the price in total)

So I'm really stuck on making this a strictly speaker upgrade.
Geoffgarcia, IMHO, I can almost 90 percent sure that speaker change will not improve much in your current setup. The Tyler Acoustics reference monitors has pretty good transparent sound. The problem lies in your system setup. If your amp source is not clean before it gets to the speakers ( that's why you can't tell much difference between your denon system) then changing speakers will definitely not help. You can either start everything from scratch or working backwards from speakers.

Just my 2 cents