Wilson WATT...worth buying?

I've heard that Wilson WATT/Puppy is one of the finest speaker combo without paying 100k of money. Also heard that many studio use WATT/Puppy as thier reference system to produce movies and music. I'm looking to buy Wilson WATT-II (only WATT no PUPPIES) to replace my B&W matrix 805 which does not satisfy me in lower mid frequency. Here is my question.
1. How does the WATT perform in lower mid freq without pairing with PUPPY?
2. Does it worth to pay $2k or 3k for this small monitor?
3. Anybody have experience in the system with only WATT + powered-subwoofer (without PUPPIES). Any suggestion would be appreciate.

By the way, my music preference is acoustic jazz and smooth jazz. My equipment is EAD T-7000 transport, EAD TM Signature, EAD powermaster 500 (100x5).
Happened to see your question regarding Wilson Watt Pups. I own Revel Studios and I think they along with many other speakers for far less money beat the Wilsons hands down in musicality and value. Be aware of the fact that any speaker costing more than $5K requires first rate electronics which you do not have. If you want a great speaker with plenty of bottom end, try to find a pair of B&W 802 Matrix Threes with Sound Anchor stands. I owned these and I still think they were one of the great speaker values of the last ten years. You can probabaly pick up a pair here for bargain dollars.
My WATT 3s cost me $1250. My Entec subs cost me $1500. I don't think there is another speaker combination new or used at $2750 than can beat them.

Certainly the Genesis V, Infinity Prelude MTS and Newform R645s I have owned recently do not.
I agree with most of these posts (even lev335): The Wilson Watt speakers are not worth the money, even at used prices. Mainly because there are the other great speakers out there also at used prices, like Revel Gems or Studios, much more natural sounding. I found the Watt/puppies too hard. good luck