Willl you spend over $5000.00 for speakers?

I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another.
Yes, I would definitely spend more that $5000 on a pair of speakers. (I would spend more than $5000 on a SINGLE speaker in a pair as well) I see it this way: DAC, Transport, even PreAmp and Amp designs will change VERY fast, a GREAT pair of speakers will last a LONG time as the designs don't change as fast. Great speakers are worth the investment for sure. Planars and Electrostatics are excellent (owner - MG 3.5R's - they still sound great). "Exotic" cones are also great speakers. (I normally avoid cones like the plague because the sound sounds like it is comming out of a "box") The Avalon Eidolon's ceramic disc transducers are unique and sound as exquite as the technology that manufactures the drivers. I also just auditioned the Vandersteen 5's (a baffless cone design) and they sound great. Speakers are worth the investement as they will outlast (in terms of obsolescence) much of the other equipment that makes up a system. $5000 for a pair of speakers, definitely. Just be sure to audition them thoroughly first!
If the speaker system is the WISDOM AUDIO Adrenaline Dipole 75, the answer is a emphatic "YES". There are others that I would consider, but the WA is the most expensive consideration. Absolutely the best sound I've ever heard - and I've heard much more expensive designs.
Did anyone say Martin Logan's Monolith.You can get them used for way under 5 grand and they sound terrific.
I paid more than that for DUNLAVY SC-V speakers. They are great in all aspects, including size. I keep upgrading my system, including a ML380S, ML37, Krell amp, NBS signature, and they keep sounding better and better.