APL 3910 owners, has anyone tried APL upsampler?

I placed order today for APL 3910 and Alex offered me to install his new upsampler board too. I choose to go with it but I've asked him to have it installed as switchable option.

I wonder if anyone of you heard his upsampler?

Are you trying to tell me what I have in MY machine? What nerve!

Sorry I mispoke. I said I was non-techno.
Tvad, the Upsampler configuration was shortly updated after first released. Just two cusotmers have it the "wrong" way. I personally think that even with the fisrt version, it is still a benefit and some would enjoy the sound.

I thought it is good to have a digital player that can be constantly improved instead of having to buy a new machine every couple of years. I guess this takes away the excitement from the sales deals and from loosing money...:-)

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