Looking for great cd player with analog volume

Looking for a great cd player that has analog volume outputs to directly drive amplifiers?
any thoughts?
I second the Resolution Audio Opus 21 nomination. Very detailed and musical player. Comes closer to analog than any other CD player I have heard.

My second choice would be the Cary 306/200, with the optional volume control. A bit more expensive, but it also has HDCD decoding.
Audio Aero Capitole. Mine has the volume control that you ask for and this part of the unit is tubed. Great sound. Also, I use the toslink to feed it from my Satellite, the coax to feed it from my DVD player and the newest versions come with an analog passthru so you can run your tuner through it.

No pre necessary.
Here's a thought,

I just picked up a benchmark dac-1 and I'm going straight into the amp since it has a stepped volume control. Some report that its voloume pot quality is mediocre but as is usually the case the more open the volume is the better it sounds. At this moment the sound is better using its volume control than when I ran the dac wide open with good quality passive pots at the amp.

All that to say that if you have an amp with low gain or one with low input impedence that is harder to drive so that the pot on the dac must be more "open" you would have tremendous sound. Pair the dac-1 with a $200.00 used s7700 and you would have a killer digital set-up. I'm using the Ridge Street Audio digital cable too BTW, for $270. (scarey good!) good luck