iPod: Questions and Options

Well, with rumors floating around of a new 60GB iPod due in a couple months, I pulled the trigger this week on a current 4th generation 40GB click wheel model. I'm really enjoying the ease of use and simple yet elegant [as always] Apple industrial design.

I also ordered a Dension ice>Link v1.1 car interface for my '99 BMW M3 which sould be arriving soon.


I have a few questions however for those iPod users with more experience.

1. Which earphones/headphones are you enjoying with the iPod?
I was using a pair of Grado SR60s at work with my Sony Discman and iTunes on my G4 Mac, but they sound dull and closed in with the iPod. I feel more satisfied with the cheap little earbuds that come with the iPod. The Grados seem to tame the digital nasties from my Discman and do well with my iTunes, but they may be too dull for the iPod. Any suggestions? Etymotics or Shure earphones? What about headphones?

2. What does the "Sound Check" function on the iPod and in iTunes do?
It's "off" on my iPod, but I have it "on" with iTunes when importing songs.

3. Which compression scheme do you like?
The first group of songs I imported into iTunes I did with the AAC Encoder set to 320kbps. The last batch I imported using the Apple Lossless Encoder. I've yet to compare the same songs side by side, but I was wondering what people thought.

4. Using it as a digital source in a 2-channel system
I bought a Monster earphone-to-stereo RCA jack so I can play it through my 2 channel system at home. What settings do you people use when playing it this way? EQ "off"? What about the iPod volume? Should I keep it at one setting and adjust the master volume through my preamp? Again, what about "Sound Check? Any other cable options other than the Monster?

Thanks for any suggestions!
iPod car interface realy sucks!
Try to wire directly or you may be very dissapointed in car iPod performance.
I use it with cassette adapter...
Do you mean Shure E2? THe model tested and reviewed at http://www.linkwitzlab.com /Reference Earphones link

...anyway, twist the foam between your fingers to minimize its size and install in ear, hopefully before it returns to normal. Once in your ear, it will expand and there should be no problem.

I found that imediately following placement that pulling down of the earlobe helps when setting them in place, then they expand and do not move.

They are definately worth the trouble. And the price...unbelieveable.
Why not use it as a walkman in the car too. Then if you get out of the car you can continure listening.
I didn't really want to start another thread but was hoping one of you all who obviously have experience with this iPod could answer a question regarding the operating system of the computers you use. Just the other day I won a 20g iPod in a door prize at work. When reading the specs on the back it says I must be using (I have a PC) Windows 2000 service pack4 "or later" or Windows XP home or office. Unfortunately, I have Windows ME which came with the computer when I bought it in 2001. My question is will this thing simple NOT work with Windows ME? I ask because I don't want to spend the $$$ on Windows XP (until I buy a new PC) and am hesitant to "just try it out". I also don't know anyone with the Windows XP OS disc. What do you think? I'm anxious to use this thing. Thanks.
Isn't ME concurrent with 2000? If you are fearful of proceeding, though I would, contact iPod Support first. I belive at worst they will offer an earlier version of software to download. They are very nice people.