What's best CD player one piece price no object

I am awaiting the new Spectral one piece CD player, estimated to cost $9,500 and to come out early next year. What other players should I consider, given the rest of my system (Spectral amp and preamp, Watt/Puppy 7s, MIT interconnects)? Thanks for the input.
here i am......and yes, the Linn CD-12 is still the best i have heard in my system.....one or two box. i have not heard anything at dealers or shows that i feel is better......but the differences between the better redbook players are not substantial......although they are important. the Linn has less of it's own sound than most other players i have heard.....it is less colored. whether that is what you may want is another question. the Linn has that excellent detail and dynamics, without ever sounding hard or etched....always natural.

the build quality and audio jewelry factor are standard setting.....and it's interface is beyond any other player.

there are 2 CD-12's......an earlier 20 bit.....and a later 24 bit version. my 24 bit player has slightly more detail and dynamics......the earlier 20 bit version has adjustable dither.

if you own any of the other's listed here and are considering upgradeing to the CD-12......save your money and buy a vinyl setup......the performance ceiling there is much higher......believe me.
In a German review, the Lindemann sacd player, the D680, playing cds was judged superior to the Linn CD12. I do not have a Linn to compare, but the Lindemann on cds is better than any transport and separate dac, I have heard.

Linn will soon have multiple sacd players but only the ultimate one is to replace the CD12, and Linn is not saying when it will be out.
First of all, thanks for all of your thoughtful responses. I will wait for Spectral, but may audition a few other things, such as ML 390, Audio Aero. My Spectrals are DMC 30SL, DMA 150 SER. 2. I also have Basis/Graham 2.2/Benz TT setup (Benz PP1 phono), and it seems substantially better than my old Wadia CD player. Hopefully my new CD player will get close.
Kocsis, I was told by a friend that Spectral is taking orders on their CDP. This is second hand info, so I could be wrong. Give them a call and ask if they are taking orders. Please let us know what you think of this CDP should you decide to go for it. I was told by a friend, who does not want his name mentioned, that the Spectral CDP will have little, if any competition. I have heard rumors like this before. Knowing this friend who does not, or should I say demands not to be mentioned, says it will be as good as digital can get at this time. Don't like spreading rumors, but this unmentional friend has never been wrong yet. There is always the chance that streak has ended. But he couldn't stop talking how this CDP has no competition. Please remember that this is second hand information, and so far just another rumor. I would not bring this up if I didn't have trust in this persons opinion.
O.K. Brulee.....fess up....what's his damn name???

your post has to be the best tease so far today.....