New transport

So I have my system basically complete, except for the CD/DVD player. Currently I'm just using a Pioneer 414 as a transport and taking the digital out to my B&K Ref 30. Problems: 1. I can hear the motor 2. It doesn't do any formats other than CD and DVD.

So what I want is to keep the digital out (including 96/24!) for CD and DVD, but also have the ability to play other formats. Is my only option the pioneer dv-47A? Is that the best option?

I have heard a lot of good things about the Pioneer DV-47 and I plan to purchase one myself.

However, you should be aware that there are some other units with the same capabilities just now coming on the market in the same general (or slightly lower price range.) One is the Pioneer DV-45 which will retail for $700. Another is made by Onkyo retailing for $1,000. For a review, go to the following link

There are a couple of others, too. Both around $1,000. I think one of them is Marantz.

Happy hunting.

I finally found the other article I was looking for. Check out

for a discussion on the Onkyo as well as the new Teac and Yamaha universal players.