Damping fluid/grease for Mayware Unipivot?

Does anyone know something about the damping fluid used in the Mayware unipivots? Ideally I would like to know the viscosity if anyone has a full specification for one of the arms.

I have had a google and found a recommendation to use olive oil (usually a fairly thin viscous liquid) but the users manual refers to a grease (usually a much more viscous gunge). Hmmm. Can anyone who has actually seen the damping fluid supplied with one of the arms describe its thickness/viscousity relative to olive oil or grease.

Many thanks.
Johnnantais, thanks for the turntablebasics pointer it was useful in providing a practical viscosity range. I am slowly getting there with a bit of help.

The reason I would still like to know the viscosity of the Mayware supplied silicone fluid it that varying from full to empty should cover the required damping for most cartridges.

I am surprised the turntable has a noticeable effect. By dynamics do you mean structure-borne sound from the motor/bearing?
It should be emphasised that manufacturer's specs are only a guide and can't predict the effects of a cartridge/tonearm combo in the real world.Listen to Jean.The cartridge/tonearm resonance itself is at the core of this issue.A paper by Paol Ladegaard in the Vinyl Asylum library explains this if you care to do further reading.
HI Andy, as Styefan points out there is the arm/cartrdige resonance point which varies according to the cartrdige used. Generally speaking, the lower the compliance of a given cartrdige the more damping you will need. By dynamics in record players i don't menaa noise at all, but out and out dynamics, slam, speed. You'll find as I did, if you change record players to something with more energy, that a given amount of fluid on a "regular" turntable is suddenly not enough on a slamming turntable. The increased dynamics changes/excites the resonances already in the arm/cartridge. Since the only way to assess the situation is by ear given all the variables, then manufacturer recommended fluids are moot. Most of them anyway were silicone fluid identical to the recommended silicone fluid sold for $10 at turntablebasics. For an example: the Mayware/Ortofon on a modded AR-XA worked very well with some motor oil, about one-third full. This same tonearm/cartridge on the Lenco required the entire cup be filled with the much thicker silicone fluid, as the Lenco's speed and bass are far more taxing (like a high-performance car). If you buy the silicone fluid then try one drop at a time (the decca International for instance takes only a very small drop of fluid, and it makes a HUGE difference nevertheless) until you hit a sweet spot, it's the only way, and the thicker silicone fluid gives you more range. Good luck.
I am still confused about dynamics. Dynamics is a good thing but the consequence of good dynamics is more structure borne sound in the tonearm. In order to dissipate this one needs to add more viscous damping. Is this correct?

I realize I am wandering a bit from the original topic but a couple of questions:

With the Lenco, by adding a lot more damping does this overdamp the arm/cartridge resonance and have a detrimental effect on both the bass response and the handling of warped or non-concentric records?

What is mechanically different about a turntable with good dynamics and one without? That is, what has changed for the better in the chain: housing - (suspension) - platter - record - cartridge - tonearm - (suspension) - housing
I think you should read this as I mentioned it's called "Audible effects of Mechanical resonances in turntables" by Poal Ladegaard it will give you a better understanding of well....turntable resonances.Here is the link http://www.vinylengine.com/manuals.shtml Everything in audio is a sorry compromise as someone once said.