SACD vs Regular CD's

I have a fairly good system, through which I have been listening to CD's with a Meridian G08 player which I have found to be fairly close to the analog sound. My question is, I am also thinking about getting a SACD player. I have NO experience with SACD's: are they worth the investment? is there really that much improvement? what are the pros and cons of SACD?

Any help would be appreciated, and I thank you, in advance, for any helpful comments.


Sacd's are worth it if you are going to do multi-channel. For 2 track only I do not feel they are worth the extra cost IMHO
The fact that even SONY releases Classical CDs that are NOT SACD is a very bad sign. It is strange that more new Classical recordings are not SACD. But if you are going to have a CD player, why not make it a SACD player. The Classical music community does not seem to place great importance on making new recordings SACD.
I agree with Steuspeed and Alan,really not much of a different in a well set up system for both formats.Good quality Red Book CD can sound quite excellent.I`ve found much overlap between the two in top level systems.
More is more. SACD has the “potential” , too frequently unrealized, to sound significantly better than CD. I enjoy well made CDs immensely, but the fact is that SACD, properly executed, will reveal more of what’s on the master tape if there is more to reveal.
I understand the theory that SACD 'should' sound better(and sometimes it does).The reality has not shown this to be the case consistently.Perhaps with classical music SACD is clearly superior.With the heavy jazz rotation I listen to,there`s no clear winner.