How's This Sound ? - Cable Testing

I've got a bunch of IC's to tryout.Need your input on the way I'm going to do this. Will use a cd player with vol. control,set vol. with pink noise at 80db.Then IC between cd player and amp,then out to 3 way full range speakers. How does this setup sound to you ? I welcome all replys.THANKS!!
Good ideas Nighthawk ! Once again you guys come up with excellent ideas >> THANKS !! If anyone else can add to this it would be appreciated ! I will be auditioning till Sunday 7/20/03.
1. Burn in is a must for consistency
2. start with non complex music, piano ,female vocals
3. Do an elimination by a/b. note the dominant strenght on each, as this may be used for further testing in later stage
4. Do it by yourself...another person may influence you on your prejudices or biases
5. repeat the a/b when in doubt, look at using various types of good quality recording.
6. The final result is not always what is best for everyone...since everything will have been system dependent as to room acoustics/ speakers/equipments used.....your taste.
7. don't stay up late